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Housing Needs Assessment City of Pleasanton | A-53 <br />Table A-14: Housing Permitting <br />Income Group Number of Units <br />Above Moderate Income Permits 1,557 <br />Very Low Income Permits 268 <br />Low Income Permits 78 <br />Moderate Income Permits 38 <br />Total 1,941 <br />Notes: <br />Universe: Housing permits issued between 2015 and 2019 <br />HCD uses the following definitions for the four income categories: Very Low Income: units affordable to households making less <br />than 50% of the Area Median Income for the county in which the jurisdiction is located. Low Income: units affordable to households <br />making between 50% and 80% of the Area Median Income for the county in which the jurisdiction is located. Moderate Income: <br />units affordable to households making between 80% and 120% of the Area Median Income for the county in which the jurisdiction <br />is located. Above Moderate Income: units affordable to households making above 120% of the Area Median Income for the county <br />in which the jurisdiction is located. <br />Sources: ABAG 2021 Pre-certified Housing Needs Data (California Department of Housing and Community <br />Development (HCD), 5th Cycle Annual Progress Report Permit Summary (2020)) <br />A.4.4 Housing Age and Condition <br />The age of housing stock is a key indicator of the community’s overall housing condition. As <br />homes get older, there is a greater need for maintenance, repair, and/or replacement of key <br />infrastructure systems. If not properly addressed, an aging housing stock can represent poorer <br />living standards, incur more expensive repair costs and, under certain conditions, lower overall <br />property values. <br />Production has not kept up with housing demand for several decades in the Bay Area, as the total <br />number of units built and available has not yet come close to meeting the population and job <br />growth experienced throughout the region. In Pleasanton, the largest proportion of the housing <br />stock was built between 1980 to 1999, with 12,569 units constructed during this period (see <br />Figure A-38), which is approximately 41.5 percent of housing units. The housing stock in <br />Alameda County is older than that of Pleasanton, with the largest proportion of units built <br />1960 to 1979. Of the Alameda County housing stock, 39.2 percent was built before 1960; <br />only 6.2 percent of Pleasanton’s housing stock was built before 1960. Since 2010, 5.8 percent <br />of Pleasanton’s current housing stock was built, which is 1,742 units. Only 3.2 percent of <br />Alameda County housing units were built in 2010 or later. <br />