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Housing Needs Assessment City of Pleasanton | A-45 <br />A.3.5 Displacement <br />Because of increasing housing prices, displacement is a major concern in the Bay Area. <br />Displacement has the most severe impacts on low- and moderate-income residents. When <br />individuals or families are forced to leave their homes and communities, they also lose their <br />support network. <br />The University of California, Berkeley has mapped all neighborhoods in the Bay area, identifying <br />their risk for gentrification. They find that in Pleasanton, no households live in neighborhoods that <br />are susceptible to or experiencing displacement and no households live in neighborhoods at risk <br />of or undergoing gentrification. Also see Appendix F (Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing) for a <br />more detailed analysis on displacement risk. <br />Equally important, some neighborhoods in the Bay Area do not have housing appropriate for a <br />broad section of the workforce. UC Berkeley estimates that 58.4 percent of households in <br />Pleasanton live in neighborhoods where low-income households are likely to be excluded due to <br />prohibitive housing costs. <br />Figure A-31: Households by Displacement Risk and Tenure <br /> <br />Notes: <br />Universe: Households <br />Displacement data is available at the census tract level. Staff aggregated tracts up to jurisdiction level using census 2010 <br />population weights, assigning a tract to jurisdiction in proportion to block level population weights. Total household count may differ <br />slightly from counts in other tables sourced from jurisdiction level sources. Categories are combined as follows for simplicity: At risk <br />of or Experiencing Exclusion: At Risk of Becoming Exclusive; Becoming Exclusive; Stable/Advanced Exclusive At risk of or <br />Experiencing Gentrification: At Risk of Gentrification; Early/Ongoing Gentrification; Advanced Gentrification Stable Moderate/Mixed <br />Income: Stable Moderate/Mixed Income Susceptible to or Experiencing Displacement: Low- Income/Susceptible to Displacement; <br />Ongoing Displacement Other: High Student Population; Unavailable or Unreliable Data. <br />Source: ABAG 2021 Pre-certified Housing Needs Data (Urban Displacement Project for classification, American <br />Community Survey 5-Year Data (2015-2019), Table B25003 for tenure) <br /> 7,14913,0724,8883,8000 <br />2,000 <br />4,000 <br />6,000 <br />8,000 <br />10,000 <br />12,000 <br />14,000 <br />Susceptible to or <br />Experiencing <br />Displacement <br />At risk of or <br />Experiencing <br />Gentrification <br />Stable <br />Moderate/Mixed <br />Income <br />At risk of or <br />Experiencing <br />Exclusion <br />OtherHouseholds <br />Owner Occupied Renter Occupied