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City of Pleasanton—Stoneridge Mall Residential Project <br />Section 15183 Checklist/15164 Addendum CEQA Checklist <br /> <br /> <br />FirstCarbon Solutions 63 <br />Https:// Documents/Publications/Client (PN-JN)/2148/21480017/Consistency Checklist/21480017 Stoneridge Mall Residential Project Checklist <br />Addendum_Updated.docx <br />Control Measure Project Consistency <br />(ROG) content of asphalt available for use during <br />construction through regulating the sale and use of <br />asphalt. By using asphalt from facilities that meet <br />BAAQMD regulations, the proposed project would be <br />consistent with this Clean Air Plan measure. <br />Transportation Control Measures <br />TR9: Bicycle and Pedestrian Access and Facilities Consistent. The proposed project would incorporate <br />sidewalks along Stoneridge Mall Road and internally <br />within the proposed project. The project site is 1,900 <br />feet south of the West Dublin/Pleasanton Bay Area <br />Rapid Transit (BART) Station, and there are three bus <br />stations (Stoneridge Mall Road and Embarcadero Court, <br />Stoneridge Mall Road and Mc Williams Lane, Stoneridge <br />Mall Road and 5526 Springdale Avenue) that serve Bus <br />Route 3 and 53 within 1,000 feet of the project site. The <br />proposed project would also incorporate bicycle and <br />pedestrian access in the project design and would be in <br />close proximity to public transit. Therefore, the <br />proposed project would not conflict with the <br />BAAQMD’s efforts to encourage the uses of bicycle and <br />pedestrian facilities as well as transit services. <br />Source: Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD). 2017. Final 2017 Clean Air Plan. Website: <br /> <br />final-cap-vol-1-pdf.pdf?la=en. Accessed October 26, 2022. <br /> <br />In summary, the proposed project would not conflict with any applicable measures under the 2017 <br />Clean Air Plan after the implementation of the Housing Plan EIR MM 4.B-1a, which is further <br />discussed under Impact III(b). Therefore, the proposed project would be consistent with Criterion 2 <br />after incorporation of mitigation. <br />Criterion 3 <br />The proposed project would consist of the development and operation of 360 residential units. The <br />proposed project is located close to a range of public transit options therefore would not discourage <br />the use of public transit and active transportation. The proposed project would not preclude the <br />extension of a transit line or bike path, propose excessive parking beyond parking requirements, or <br />otherwise create an impediment or disruption to implementation of any control measures of the <br />AQP, the 2017 Clean Air Plan. The Local Traffic Analysis of the project location confirms that the <br />proposed project would construct sidewalks adjacent to the project site on Stoneridge Mall Road to <br />the east and south, and would reserve a public access easement/setback along the property <br />frontage to incorporate upgraded pedestrian and bicycle facilities along Stoneridge Mall Road both <br />east and south of the project.30 Furthermore, the project site is 1,900 feet south of the West <br />Dublin/Pleasanton BART Station, and there are three bus stations (Stoneridge Mall Road and <br /> <br />30 Kimley-Horn. 2022. Memorandum Stoneridge Mall Residential Project – Local Traffic Analysis. Accessed November 2, 2022.