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City of Pleasanton—Stoneridge Mall Residential Project <br />CEQA Checklist Section 15183 Checklist/15164 Addendum <br /> <br /> <br />62 FirstCarbon Solutions <br />Https:// Documents/Publications/Client (PN-JN)/2148/21480017/Consistency Checklist/21480017 Stoneridge Mall Residential Project Checklist <br />Addendum_Updated.docx <br />Control Measure Project Consistency <br />Natural and Working Lands Control Measures <br />NW2: Urban Tree Planting Consistent. The proposed project would include <br />approximately 1.39 acres of landscaped and <br />bioretention basin area. Trees would be planted in such <br />landscaped area, and many existing trees are to be <br />preserved on-site. Stormwater generated from the site <br />would be cleaned and retained by the bioretention <br />basins and then discharged into a stormwater system. <br />The basin would be landscaped to provide an attractive <br />feature visible within the project site and from outside. <br />WA3: Green Waste Diversion Consistent. The waste service provider for the proposed <br />project shall be required to meet the Assembly Bill (AB) <br />341and Senate Bill (SB) 939 * and SB 1374 requirements <br />that require waste service providers to divert green <br />waste. In addition, AB 1383 went into effect on January <br />1, 2022, which aims to reduce organic waste disposal by <br />75 percent by 2025 and to ensure that 20 percent of <br />surplus edible food is saved for the food insecure by <br />2025. Pleasanton Garbage Service, Inc. provides green <br />waste service and project operator would be required <br />to provide residents with green waste bins on-site per <br />Municipal Code Chapter 9.23. <br />WA4: Recycling and Waste Reduction Consistent: The waste service provider and residents <br />for the proposed project shall be required to meet the <br />Municipal Code requirements for solid waste, recycling <br />and organic waste reduction, recycling and removal in <br />Chapter 9.20; and Section 9.21.030 requires that the <br />applicant to develop waste management plans to divert <br />construction waste from landfills. <br />Stationary Control Measures <br />SS36: Particulate Matter from Trackout Consistent with mitigation. The Bay Area Air Quality <br />Management District (BAAQMD)-recommended <br />mitigation measures for construction fugitive dust <br />control would be implemented to reduce fugitive dust <br />and trackout during project construction. In addition, <br />mud and dirt that may be tracked out onto the nearby <br />public roads during construction activities shall be <br />removed promptly by the contractor based on <br />BAAQMD’s requirements and Municipal Code Chapter <br />9.14. Therefore, the proposed project would be <br />consistent with this measure after implementation of <br />MM 4.B-1a. <br />SS37: Particulate Matter from Asphalt Operations Consistent. Asphalt used during the construction of the <br />proposed project would be subject to BAAQMD <br />Regulation 8, Rule 15-Emulsified and Liquid Asphalts. <br />Although this rule does not directly apply to the <br />proposed project, it does limit the reactive organic gas