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City of Pleasanton—Stoneridge Mall Residential Project <br />Section 15183 Checklist/15164 Addendum CEQA Checklist <br /> <br /> <br />FirstCarbon Solutions 61 <br />Https:// Documents/Publications/Client (PN-JN)/2148/21480017/Consistency Checklist/21480017 Stoneridge Mall Residential Project Checklist <br />Addendum_Updated.docx <br />plans and was adopted after the adoption of the General Plan. Additionally, the Prior EIR proposed <br />400 units at Site 3. The proposed project would build 360 units on a 6-acre portion of Site 3. Thus, <br />development of the proposed project has been reasonably accounted for in the BAAQMD’s latest <br />AQP. <br />Furthermore, as discussed further in Impact III(b), below, implementation of the proposed project <br />would not exceed the BAAQMD construction or operational thresholds for criteria pollutants on an <br />average daily or annual basis. Therefore, the proposed project would be consistent with Criterion 1. <br />Criterion 2 <br />The 2017 Clean Air Plan contains control measures to reduce air pollutants and GHG emissions at the <br />local, regional, and global levels. Along with the traditional stationary, area, mobile source, and <br />transportation control measures, the 2017 Clean Air Plan contains many control measures designed <br />to protect the climate and promote mixed use, compact development to reduce vehicle emissions <br />and exposure to pollutants from stationary mobile sources. The 2017 Clean Air Plan also includes an <br />account of the implementation status of control measures identified in the prior 2010 Clean Air Plan. <br />Table 2 below lists the 2017 Clean Air Plan policies relevant to the proposed project and evaluates <br />the proposed project’s consistency with the policies.1 As shown below, the proposed project would <br />be consistent with applicable measures. <br />Table 2: Project Consistency with Applicable Clean Air Plan Control Measures <br />Control Measure Project Consistency <br />Buildings Control Measures <br />BL1: Green Buildings Consistent. The proposed project would not conflict <br />with implementation of this measure. The proposed <br />project would comply with the latest energy efficiency <br />standards and incorporate applicable energy efficiency <br />features designed to reduce project energy <br />consumption. <br />BL4: Urban Heat Island Mitigation Consistent. The proposed project would include <br />approximately 1.39 acres of landscaped and <br />bioretention basin area, which would serve to reduce <br />stormwater runoff and the proposed project has been <br />designed to maximize the existing trees on-site, hence it <br />would also reduce the urban heat island effect. <br />Energy Control Measures <br />EN1: Decarbonize Electricity Generation Consistent. The project applicant would, at a minimum, <br />be required to conform to the energy efficiency <br />requirements of the California Building Standards Code, <br />also known as Title 24. For example, the proposed <br />project be all electric and the appliances would meet all <br />the energy efficiency standards. These project design <br />features would decrease electricity demand compared <br />to standard building construction. <br />EN2: Decrease Electricity Demand