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City of Pleasanton—Stoneridge Mall Residential Project <br />CEQA Checklist Section 15183 Checklist/15164 Addendum <br /> <br /> <br />60 FirstCarbon Solutions <br />Https:// Documents/Publications/Client (PN-JN)/2148/21480017/Consistency Checklist/21480017 Stoneridge Mall Residential Project Checklist <br />Addendum_Updated.docx <br />would be judged to conflict with or obstruct implementation of the 2017 Clean Air Plan if it would <br />result in substantial new regional emissions not foreseen in the air quality planning process. <br />The BAAQMD does not provide a numerical threshold of significance for project-level consistency <br />analysis with AQPs. Therefore, the following criteria will be used for determining a project’s <br />consistency with the applicable AQP, the 2017 Clean Air Plan: <br />• Criterion 1: Does the project support the primary goals of the AQP? <br />• Criterion 2: Does the project include applicable control measures from the AQP? <br />• Criterion 3: Does the project disrupt or hinder the implementation of any AQP control <br />measures? <br /> <br />Criterion 1 <br />The primary goals of the 2017 Clean Air Plan, the current BAAQMD AQP to date, are to: <br />• Attain air quality standards. <br />• Reduce population exposure to unhealthy air and protect public health in the Bay Area. <br />• Reduce GHG emissions and protect the climate. <br /> <br />A measure for determining whether the proposed project supports the primary goals of the AQP is if <br />the proposed project would not result in an increase in the frequency or severity of existing air <br />quality violations, cause or contribute to new violations, or delay timely attainment of air quality <br />standards or the interim emission reductions specified in the AQPs. This measure is determined by <br />evaluating whether the proposed project was reasonably accounted for in the AQP. <br />The BAAQMD estimates the regional emissions inventory for the Air Basin, in part, from the regional <br />population, housing, and employment projections developed by the ABAG and MTC. These <br />demographic trends are incorporated into Plan Bay Area, compiled by ABAG and the MTC, and were <br />similarly included in earlier adopted versions of Plan Bay Area, to determine priority transportation <br />projects and estimate VMT in the Bay Area and are based on cities’ and counties’ general plan land <br />use designations. Therefore, these regional demographic projections derived from local jurisdictions’ <br />land use patterns form the foundation of the emissions inventory for the 2017 Clean Air Plan. As <br />such, projects consistent with the local general plan are considered consistent with the applicable <br />AQP, the 2017 Clean Air Plan. Large projects that exceed regional employment, population, and <br />housing planning projections have the potential to be inconsistent with the regional inventory <br />compiled as part of the 2017 Clean Air Plan. <br />The Prior EIR was adopted in January 2012, which was prior to the BAAQMD’s adoption of the latest <br />2017 AQP. As shown in Section 2.2.1, Density Bonus, the project site was identified as part of a larger <br />housing opportunity site and given the land use designation and rezoned for “PUD – Mixed Use,” <br />with a residential density of 40 units/acre. Because at least 24 percent of the units would be low- <br />income units, the proposed project includes a 50 percent density bonus over the six-acre site, <br />resulting in 360 units (60 units/acre). The BAAQMD’s latest 2017 AQP utilizes growth projections <br />from Plan Bay Area, which relies on growth projections and land use patterns from local general