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City of Pleasanton—Stoneridge Mall Residential Project <br />CEQA Checklist Section 15183 Checklist/15164 Addendum <br /> <br /> <br />168 FirstCarbon Solutions <br />Https:// Documents/Publications/Client (PN-JN)/2148/21480017/Consistency Checklist/21480017 Stoneridge Mall Residential Project Checklist <br />Addendum_Updated.docx <br />Road and Stoneridge Drive.107 Program 23.1 in the General Plan Circulation Element requires <br />developers to finance and install bicycle pathways where appropriate. The City has requested that <br />the proposed project dedicate public right-of-way and reserve a public access easement area, or <br />setback, along the property frontage to incorporate upgraded pedestrian and bicycle facilities along <br />Stoneridge Mall Road both east and south of the project site, to be constructed by the City at a later <br />date. These facilities will further reinforce the connection of the project with the nearby BART and <br />Wheels services as well as other nearby neighborhood locations. Furthermore, the proposed project <br />would provide 230 bicycle parking spaces (214 long-term and 16 short-term). As such, the proposed <br />project would not conflict with the City’s adopted plans and policies as it relates to bicycle facilities. <br />Pedestrian Access and Circulation <br />Pedestrian access to the project site is provided via sidewalks, which exist on the east side of <br />Stoneridge Mall Road (east), both sides of Embarcadero Court, and the south side of Genomics <br />Place. These sidewalks provide access from the adjacent office land uses, residential uses, and the <br />West Dublin/Pleasanton BART Station. There are crosswalks at the Stoneridge Mall <br />Road/Embarcadero Court intersection on the east and south legs. There are also crosswalks on all <br />four legs at the intersection of Stoneridge Mall Road and Genomics Place. <br />General Plan Circulation Element Program 23.1 requires developers to finance and install sidewalks <br />where appropriate. The proposed project would construct sidewalks adjacent to the project site and <br />extend to existing pedestrian facilities along the north–south and east–west Stoneridge Mall Road <br />frontages. Internal to the project site, a sidewalk would be provided on the south side of Drive Aisle <br />A, which provides access to the residential buildings and to the retail uses to the west. A sidewalk is <br />also proposed at the east side of Drive Aisle B. These project features support General Plan Policy 23, <br />which seeks to create and maintain a safe and convenient pedestrian system which encourages <br />walking as an alternative to driving. As such, the proposed project would not conflict with the City’s <br />adopted plans and policies as it relates to pedestrian facilities. <br />Transit Facilities <br />Policy 5 and Program 36.5 of the Housing Element encourage residential development near public <br />transit facilities. The location of the proposed project site would encourage use of public transit; the <br />project site is approximately 0.2 mile from the West Dublin/Pleasanton BART Station and 0.1 mile <br />away from the bus stop at Stoneridge Mall Road and McWilliams Lane, which is serviced by Wheels <br />Bus Routes 3, 53, 603, and 604 bus lines, and 300 feet from the Stoneridge Mall Road and <br />Embarcadero Court bus stop, which is serviced by the Wheels Bus Routes 3 and 53. Project residents <br />and visitors can access this bus stop and the BART Station via the internal pedestrian facilities and <br />the crosswalks at the intersection of Stoneridge Mall Road and Embarcadero Court. The proposed <br />project is centrally located to provide residents and patrons with access to these existing transit <br />facilities. As such the proposed project would comply with City transit policies. <br />As discussed above, the proposed project would not conflict with City policies as they relate to <br />pedestrian, bicycle, and roadway systems and thus would not introduce any new impacts to these <br /> <br />107 City of Pleasanton. 2018. Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan.