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City of Pleasanton—Stoneridge Mall Residential Project <br />Section 15183 Checklist/15164 Addendum CEQA Checklist <br /> <br /> <br />FirstCarbon Solutions 153 <br />Https:// Documents/Publications/Client (PN-JN)/2148/21480017/Consistency Checklist/21480017 Stoneridge Mall Residential Project Checklist <br />Addendum_Updated.docx <br />77,609). However, the Prior EIR concluded that final action taken by the City regarding Housing <br />Element buildout would not necessarily designate all sites for residential development, nor would <br />they likely all be built to maximum proposed density, but that it would be sufficient to meet Regional <br />Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) identified housing needs. In addition, the Prior EIR found that <br />the Housing Element would implement policies and programs including the regular renewal of <br />Growth Management Reports to manage housing growth and demand. It was determined that, with <br />the implementation of the proposed Housing Element policies and programs, the City would meet <br />the allocation as determined by RHNA in a sustainable manner, one in which the provision of <br />affordable housing is accomplished largely without stressing the City’s current infrastructure. <br />Therefore, the Prior EIR concluded that there would be a less than significant impact on population <br />growth inducement. <br />Analysis of Proposed Project <br />The proposed project would be zoned PUD–Mixed -Use, which allows for residential development. <br />The Mixed-Use designation currently allows for a maximum residential unit density of 40 units per <br />acre. The proposed project would exceed this density, with a proposed density of 60 units per acre, <br />consistent with development under the Density Bonus Law (Government Code 65915), which allows <br />for measured increases in density beyond the allowed limits for development of affordable housing <br />units.79 Because at least 24 percent of the units 80 in the proposed project would be deed-restricted <br />for low-income households, in accordance with Government Code 65915, the proposed project <br />includes a 50 percent density bonus over the 6-acre site, resulting in 360 units (60 units/acre). <br />Furthermore, as shown in the Prior EIR Table 3-3, it was assumed that Site 3, which includes the <br />project site, would be developed with between 210-400 housing units. The project proposes 360 <br />multi-family housing units, which is within the buildout that was anticipated by the Prior EIR for all of <br />Site 3. <br />Given that the average number of persons per household in the City is 2.69, it can be estimated that <br />the proposed project would result in a population increase of approximately 968 people.81 Given <br />that the Prior EIR estimated that the total population in Pleasanton as a result of development <br />consistent with the Housing Element could reach 80,100 by the year 2015, and the current <br />population of the city is only 77,609, an increase of 968 people would still be within the total <br />population growth estimated by buildout of the Housing Element. Future development, if any, on <br />the remaining portion of Site 3 would undergo similar considerations of growth inducement to <br />evaluate consistency with the Prior EIR. Therefore, impacts would continue to be less than <br />significant, and no mitigation is necessary, consistent with the Prior EIR. There are no proposed <br />changes, new circumstances, or new information that would cause new or more severe impacts. <br />b) Displacement of Housing <br /> <br />79 California Government Code. Title 7. Planning and Land Use [65000-66499.58]. Division 1.Planning and Zoning [65000-66301] <br />Chapter 4.3. Density Bonuses and Other Incentives [65915-65918]. <br />80 24 percent of the units at 40 units/acre, which is the base density (e.g., what is allowed under the zoning, without any additional <br />units obtained from providing affordable units), are proposed to be deed-restricted for low-income households. <br />81 360 proposed housing units * 2.69 persons per housing unit = 968 persons