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City of Pleasanton—Stoneridge Mall Residential Project <br />CEQA Checklist Section 15183 Checklist/15164 Addendum <br /> <br /> <br />150 FirstCarbon Solutions <br />Https:// Documents/Publications/Client (PN-JN)/2148/21480017/Consistency Checklist/21480017 Stoneridge Mall Residential Project Checklist <br />Addendum_Updated.docx <br />MM 4.J-5c Any locations of outdoor activity for sensitive uses associated with the project site <br />shall be designed so that the noise exposure from traffic does not exceed 65 dB Ldn <br />at these activity areas. This shall be done through site orientation (i.e., location of <br />activity areas away from roadways or shielded by project buildings) or with the <br />inclusion of appropriate noise barriers. Before building permits are issued, the <br />project applicant shall be required to submit an acoustical analysis demonstrating <br />that outdoor activity spaces associated with sensitive uses do not exceed 65 dB Ldn <br />within these spaces. <br />MM 4.J-6a For all of the potential sites for rezoning the City shall require site-specific acoustical <br />assessments to determine noise exposure, impact, and mitigation regarding non- <br />transportation sources. Noise exposure shall be mitigated to satisfy the applicable <br />City Code criterion using appropriate housing site design. <br />MM 4.J-6c For all of the potential sites for rezoning, the City shall require a noise disclosures <br />and noise complaint procedures for new residents at the project site. The <br />requirement shall include <br />a) A disclosure of potential noise sources in the project vicinity. <br />b) Establish procedures and a contact phone number for a site manager the <br />residents can call to address any noise complaints. <br /> <br />MM 4.J-9 Prior to prior to PUD approval a potential site for rezoning would add traffic noise in <br />exceed of 55 dBA described in Table 4.J-7, the project applicant shall conduct an off- <br />site noise study to determine the project contribution to off-site roadway noise and <br />contribute its fair-share to mitigate the established noise impact. <br />Implementation of Prior EIR Mitigation Measures <br />Project-related traffic noise increase impacts and traffic noise exceedance will remain less than <br />significant with implementation of the Prior EIR MM’s 4.J-5a, 4.J-9, and 4.J-5c through the imposition <br />of the following Implementation Measures as Conditions of Approval: <br />Implementation Measure 1 Traffic Noise Increase Reduction Measure <br />MM 4.J-5a and MM4.J-9 shall be implemented as follows: the project applicant shall <br />pay an amount equal to the project’s percentage of traffic on each road segment <br />anticipated to be affected by the project, multiplied by the incremental cost of using <br />noise-attenuating pavement instead of regular pavement on that segment, to be <br />paid prior to issuance of the first certificate of occupancy. If the cost amounts are <br />not available at the time of project approval, the Community Development Director, <br />or other City-designated official, shall identify that incremental cost prior to issuance <br />of building permits. These fees will go to pay for the City to install noise-attenuating <br />pavement, such as rubberized Hot-Mix Asphalt (R HMA), on the following eight <br />impacted roadway segments.