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City of Pleasanton—Stoneridge Mall Residential Project <br />CEQA Checklist Section 15183 Checklist/15164 Addendum <br /> <br /> <br />148 FirstCarbon Solutions <br />Https:// Documents/Publications/Client (PN-JN)/2148/21480017/Consistency Checklist/21480017 Stoneridge Mall Residential Project Checklist <br />Addendum_Updated.docx <br />implementation of MM 4.J-6a through MM 4.J-6c would reduce this noise impact to a less than <br />significant level. <br />Analysis of Proposed Project <br />Train Noise Impacts <br />The project site is not located on any of the identified impacted sites identified in the Prior EIR (Sites <br />8, 11, 14, 18, and 21) which are near railroad tracks. Therefore, the proposed project would not be <br />exposed to train noise levels that would exceed the applicable 70 dB Ldn exterior noise exposure limit <br />and 50 dB Lmax/55 dB Lmax criteria within habitable rooms. Therefore, implementation of the <br />proposed project would not result in a substantial permanent increase in or exposure of persons to <br />train noise levels in excess of established standards and train noise impacts for the proposed project <br />would be less than significant. <br />Traffic Noise Impacts <br />A noise impact analysis was also prepared by Ramboll, dated October 27, 2022. The report is <br />included in Appendix G. The study assessed the proposed project’s compliance with the Prior EIR <br />MM 4.J-5c (Assessment of Traffic Sound Levels in Outdoor Activity Areas Associated with the <br />Project). The analysis predicted traffic sound levels at the outdoor courtyards and rooftop decks <br />using noise modeling software and road data from the Prior EIR and California Department of <br />Transportation (Caltrans). The analysis found that the limit of 65 dBA Ldn is exceeded for the rooftop <br />deck at the northeast corner of the building. Based on the results of the modeling, a properly <br />constructed barrier along the north and east sides of the roof deck would reduce traffic sounds <br />levels to 65 dBA Ldn or less at the rooftop deck. The barriers should run the length of the east and <br />north edges of the rooftop deck, be at least 6 feet high, have a minimum surface weight of 3 pounds <br />per square foot (psf), and have no cracks or gaps. Glass or another transparent material can be used. <br />With the barrier in place, the results of the model show a sound level 65 dBA Ldn at the northeast <br />rooftop deck Level 4. Therefore, in accordance with Prior EIR MM 4.J-5cImplementation Measure 2, <br />shall be imposed as a Condition of Approval to require construction of this barrier as part of the <br />project would ensure that traffic noise exceedance impacts remain less than significant as measured <br />at the outdoor courtyards and rooftop decks. <br />Stationary Source Noise Impacts <br />A noise impact analysis was also prepared by Ramboll, dated October 27, 2022. The report is <br />included in Appendix G. The study assessed the proposed project’s compliance with the Prior EIR <br />MM 4.J-6a (Assessment of Noise from Stationary [Non-transportation] Sources in the Vicinity of the <br />Project). The report shows that noise from non-transportation sources such as rooftop mechanical <br />units and truck activity at a nearby loading dock were evaluated using noise modeling software. <br />Based on the modeling results, sound levels at the property planes and the façades of the proposed <br />project would not exceed the City’s 60 dBA Ldn threshold. Therefore, implementation of the <br />proposed project would not result in a substantial permanent increase in stationary source noise <br />levels in excess of established standards as measured at the property planes of the proposed project, <br />and the impact would be less than significant.