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City of Pleasanton—Stoneridge Mall Residential Project <br />Section 15183 Checklist/15164 Addendum CEQA Checklist <br /> <br /> <br />FirstCarbon Solutions 147 <br />Https:// Documents/Publications/Client (PN-JN)/2148/21480017/Consistency Checklist/21480017 Stoneridge Mall Residential Project Checklist <br />Addendum_Updated.docx <br />may exceed the applicable 50/55 dB Lmax criteria within habitable rooms. The Prior EIR concluded <br />that implementation of MM 4.J-7 would reduce potential aircraft/airport noise impacts to a less than <br />significant level. <br />Analysis of Proposed Project <br />The project site is not located within the vicinity of a private airstrip. The project site is also not <br />located within the 55 dBA CNEL noise contours of any public or public use airport. As such, operation <br />of the proposed project would not expose people residing or working at the project site to excessive <br />noise levels associated with public airport or public use airport noise. Therefore, no impact related <br />to exposure of persons residing or working at the project site to excessive noise levels associated <br />with airport activity would occur. <br />d) Noise in Excess of General Plan or Municipal Code Standards <br />Prior EIR Conclusions <br />This exact checklist question was not discussed in the Prior EIR, but the topic was discussed in <br />Impact 4.J-3, Impact 4.J-5, and Impact 4.J-6. <br />Train Noise Impacts <br />The Prior EIR found that train-related noise exposure at Sites 8, 11, 14, 18, and 21, which are in close <br />proximity to the UPRR mainline tracks, may exceed the applicable 70 dB Ldn exterior noise exposure <br />limit and 50 dB Lmax/55 dB Lmax criteria within habitable rooms. The Prior EIR concluded that MM 4.J- <br />3 would reduce train-related noise impacts to a less than significant level. <br />Traffic Noise Impacts <br />The Prior EIR found that developments adjacent to several of the studied roadways may experience <br />traffic noise exposure in excess of 65 dB. Given a worst-case exterior-to-interior noise level reduction <br />of 20 dB provided by project buildings, interior noise exposure could be 45 dB Ldn or higher within <br />some project building. Development on the potential sites for rezoning would be subject to Title 24 <br />of the California Code of Regulations, which requires an interior noise exposure of 45 dB Ldn/CNEL or <br />less within any habitable room and requires an acoustical analysis demonstrating how dwelling units <br />have been designed to meet this interior standard. To allow the project to meet the City and State <br />interior noise requirement of 45 dB Ldn (or less) sound-rated building assemblies may be required at <br />the exterior facades of project buildings. The Prior EIR concluded that implementation of MM 4.J-5b <br />would ensure that interior noise levels are reduced to 45 dB Ldn or less, which would reduce this <br />impact to a less than significant level. Additionally, the Prior EIR concluded that MM 4.J-5c would <br />reduce outdoor noise exposure impacts to a less than significant level. <br />Stationary Source Noise Impacts <br />The Prior EIR found that noise from stationary sources in the vicinity of potential sites for rezoning <br />could exceed the applicable 60 dB Lmax exterior noise exposure limit established within the City <br />Municipal Code. Additionally, some areas are adjacent to industrial/commercial areas and could be <br />subject to loading noise and late or 24-hour operations noise. However, the Prior EIR concluded that