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City of Pleasanton—Stoneridge Mall Residential Project <br />CEQA Checklist Section 15183 Checklist/15164 Addendum <br /> <br /> <br />110 FirstCarbon Solutions <br />Https:// Documents/Publications/Client (PN-JN)/2148/21480017/Consistency Checklist/21480017 Stoneridge Mall Residential Project Checklist <br />Addendum_Updated.docx <br />CAP 2.0 Strategy <br />Consistent <br />with <br />Control <br />Measure? Discussion <br />measures, which would reduce water usage <br />from new development such as the proposed <br />project. <br />Natural Systems <br />Strategy NS-1. Increase and optimize carbon <br />sequestration, improve ecosystem resilience <br />Yes The proposed project would include <br />approximately 1.39 acres of landscaping with a <br />variety of climate-adapted plants. The <br />landscaping plan sheets are included in the site <br />plan. <br />Source: City of Pleasanton. 2022. Climate Action Plan 2.0. Website: <br /> Accessed December 7, 2022 <br /> <br />As demonstrated in Table 10, the proposed project would be consistent with the applicable <br />measures and actions of the CAP 2.0. The proposed project would be required to individually <br />demonstrate consistency with the CAP 2.0 as a part of the City’s permitting process, and the project <br />applicant has submitted CAP 2.0 Checklist to the City. The CAP 2.0 Checklist is also included as <br />Appendix B to this document for reference. <br />Senate Bill 32 2017 Scoping Plan Update <br />The 2017 Climate Change Scoping Plan Update addressing the SB 32 targets was adopted on <br />December 14, 2017. Table 11provides an analysis of the proposed project’s consistency with the <br />2017 Scoping Plan Update measures. As shown in Table 11, many of the measures are not applicable <br />to the proposed project, and the proposed project is consistent with strategies that are applicable. <br />Table 11: Consistency with SB 2017 Scoping Plan Update <br />2017 Scoping Plan Update Reduction Measure Project Consistency <br />SB 350: 50 Percent Renewable Mandate. Utilities <br />subject to the legislation will be required to <br />increase their renewable energy mix from 33 <br />percent in 2020 to 50 percent in 2030. <br />Not applicable. This measure would apply to utilities <br />and not to individual development projects. The <br />proposed project would purchase electricity from East <br />Bay Community Energy (EBCE), which would be subject <br />to the SB 350 Renewable Mandate. <br />SB 350 Double Building Energy Efficiency by 2030. <br />This is equivalent to a 20 percent reduction from <br />2014 building energy usage compared to current <br />projected 2030 levels. <br />Not applicable. This measure applies to existing <br />buildings. New structures are required to comply with <br />Title 24 Energy Efficiency Standards that are expected <br />to increase in stringency over time. The proposed <br />project would comply with the applicable Title 24 <br />Energy Efficiency Standards in effect at the time <br />building permits are received.