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City of Pleasanton—Stoneridge Mall Residential Project <br />Section 15183 Checklist/15164 Addendum CEQA Checklist <br /> <br /> <br />FirstCarbon Solutions 107 <br />Https:// Documents/Publications/Client (PN-JN)/2148/21480017/Consistency Checklist/21480017 Stoneridge Mall Residential Project Checklist <br />Addendum_Updated.docx <br />of materials to and from the future project sites, asphalt paving, and construction worker vehicle <br />trips. Table 8 summarizes the proposed project’s GHG emissions during construction. <br />Table 8: Construction GHG Emissions <br />Construction Phase MT CO2e per year <br />Demolition 2023 62 <br />Site Preparation 2023 17 <br />Grading 2023 115 <br />Building Construction 2023 301 <br />Building Construction 2024 862 <br />Building Construction 2025 220 <br />Paving 2025 21 <br />Architectural Coating 2025 43 <br />Total Construction Emissions 1,642 <br />Construction Emissions Amortized over 30 Years 55 <br />Notes: <br />MT CO2e = metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent <br />Totals may not add up due to rounding. <br />Source: CalEEMod Output (Appendix B). <br /> <br />Long-term operational GHG emissions would result from project-generated vehicular traffic, <br />utilization of any landscaping equipment, off-site generation of electrical power, use of energy <br />required to convey water to and wastewater from the project site, hauling and disposal of solid <br />waste from the project site, and any fugitive refrigerants from air conditioning or refrigerators. <br />Operational GHG emissions by source are shown in Table 9. The proposed project was analyzed <br />assuming full buildout with operation starting in the year 2025, immediately following the <br />construction period. As shown in Table 9, with the amortized construction included, the operational <br />GHG emissions of the proposed project is estimated to total approximately 1,572 MT CO2e each <br />year. <br />Table 9: Operational GHG Emissions <br />Emission Source <br />Year 2025 Total Emissions <br />MT CO2e per year1 <br />(biogenic CO2 are not included) <br />Amortized Construction 55 <br />Area 4 <br />Energy 156 <br />Mobile (Vehicles) 1,261