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City of Pleasanton—Stoneridge Mall Residential Project <br />CEQA Checklist Section 15183 Checklist/15164 Addendum <br /> <br /> <br />106 FirstCarbon Solutions <br />Https:// Documents/Publications/Client (PN-JN)/2148/21480017/Consistency Checklist/21480017 Stoneridge Mall Residential Project Checklist <br />Addendum_Updated.docx <br />Analysis of Proposed Project <br />The proposed project needs to show consistency with the BAAQMD’s 2022 GHG significance <br />thresholds for land use development projects or incorporate mitigation to reduce impacts to less <br />than significant levels. Additionally, the City of Pleasanton requires that development projects <br />demonstrate consistency with the CAP 2.0 by submitting the CAP 2.0 CEQA GHG Emissions Analysis <br />Compliance Checklist to ensure projects comply with the GHG reduction strategies outlined in the <br />CAP 2.0. For land use development projects, the BAAQMD recommends that the project <br />demonstrate conformity with the following Criterion A or Criterion B to demonstrate less than <br />significant impacts: <br />A. Projects must include, at a minimum, the following project design elements. <br />a. Buildings: <br />i. The project will not include natural gas appliances or natural gas plumbing <br />(in both residential and nonresidential development). <br />ii. The project will not result in any wasteful, inefficient, or unnecessary energy <br />usage as determined by the analysis required under CEQA Section <br />21100(b)(3) and Section 15126.2(b) of the State CEQA Guidelines. <br />b. Transportation: <br />i. Achieve compliance with EV requirements in the most recently adopted <br />version of CALGreen Tier 2. <br />ii. Achieve a reduction in project-generated VMT below the regional average <br />consistent with the current version of the California Climate Change Scoping <br />Plan (currently 15 percent) or meet a locally adopted SB 743 VMT target, <br />reflecting the recommendations provided in the Governor’s Office of <br />Planning and Research (OPR) Technical Advisory on Evaluating <br />Transportation Impacts in CEQA: <br />1. Residential projects: 15 percent below the existing VMT per capita. <br />2. Office projects: 15 percent below the existing VMT per employee. <br />3. Retail projects: no net increase in existing VMT. <br />B. Projects must be consistent with a local GHG reduction strategy that meets the criteria under <br />State CEQA Guidelines Section 15183.5(b). <br /> <br />The City of Pleasanton CAP 2.0 is considered a qualified reduction strategy pursuant to State CEQA <br />Guidelines Section 15183.5(b). Therefore, the proposed project is analyzed herein under the <br />BAAQMD’s Criterion B, which allows for plan-level projects to be evaluated for consistency against a <br />qualified GHG reduction strategy to determine the potential significance of a proposed plan. <br />The following construction and operational GHG emissions are estimated with CalEEMod Version <br />2020.4.0 and provided below for informational disclosure. Both construction and operation activities <br />have the potential to generate GHG emissions. Development of the proposed project would <br />generate GHG emissions during temporary (short-term) construction activities such as site grading, <br />operation of construction equipment, operation of on-site heavy-duty construction vehicles, hauling