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City of Pleasanton—Stoneridge Mall Residential Project <br />Section 15183 Checklist/15164 Addendum CEQA Checklist <br /> <br /> <br />FirstCarbon Solutions 105 <br />Https:// Documents/Publications/Client (PN-JN)/2148/21480017/Consistency Checklist/21480017 Stoneridge Mall Residential Project Checklist <br />Addendum_Updated.docx <br />Environmental Issue <br />Area <br />Conclusion <br />in Prior EIR <br />Are there <br />Project <br />Impacts <br />Described in <br />15183? <br />Are there <br />Proposed <br />Changes <br />Involving New <br />or More <br />Severe <br />Impacts? <br />(15162) <br />Are there New <br />Circumstances <br />Involving New <br />or More <br />Severe <br />Impacts? <br />(15162) <br />Is there New <br />Information <br />Involving New <br />or More <br />Severe <br />Impacts? <br />(15162) <br />Mitigation <br />Measures <br />VIII. Greenhouse Gas Emissions <br />Would the project: <br />a) Generate <br />greenhouse gas <br />emissions, either <br />directly or <br />indirectly, that <br />may have a <br />significant impact <br />on the <br />environment? <br />Less than <br />significant <br />impact <br />No No No No None <br />b) Conflict with any <br />applicable plan, <br />policy or <br />regulation <br />adopted for the <br />purpose of <br />reducing the <br />emissions of <br />greenhouse <br />gases? <br />Less than <br />significant <br />impact <br />No No No No None <br /> <br />Discussion <br />a) Generate Greenhouse Gas Emissions <br />Prior EIR Conclusions <br />The Prior EIR (Impact 4.E-1) stated that the Housing Element; Climate Action Plan; General Plan; and <br />rezoning of sites could potentially produce GHG emissions that could exceed applicable quantitative <br />thresholds. The Prior EIR analyzed that all the then proposed development projects would emit 438 <br />metric tons (MT) of short-term construction carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) annually (amortized <br />over 40 years), and the long-term operational emissions would total 42,149 MT CO2e annually. The <br />Prior EIR also determined that with implementation of the then proposed Draft CAP, the City would <br />achieve consistency with the provisions of AB 32 as interpreted by the BAAQMD by meeting the <br />community wide emissions reduction target of 15 percent below its 2005 baseline by the year 2020. <br />Thus, the Prior EIR concluded that impacts related to GHG emissions would be considered less than <br />significant.