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City of Pleasanton—Stoneridge Mall Residential Project <br />CEQA Checklist Section 15183 Checklist/15164 Addendum <br /> <br /> <br />104 FirstCarbon Solutions <br />Https:// Documents/Publications/Client (PN-JN)/2148/21480017/Consistency Checklist/21480017 Stoneridge Mall Residential Project Checklist <br />Addendum_Updated.docx <br />and construction, shallow foundations, floor slab, seismic considerations, lateral <br />earth pressures, and pavements. <br />Measure 2 The project applicant shall hire a qualified geotechnical firm to conduct a design- <br />level geotechnical study. The design-level study shall incorporate further <br />recommendations that will reduce impacts resulting from expansive soils to the <br />greatest extent possible. Prior to issuance of preliminary grading permits, the <br />project applicant shall incorporate all recommendations provided in the design- <br />level geotechnical study into the project plans. <br />Measure 3 The project applicant shall obtain a qualified paleontologist to monitor all ground- <br />disturbing activities in previously undisturbed areas at the project site. Procedures <br />for handling potential paleontological resources encountered are included in Prior <br />EIR MM 3. <br />Conclusion <br />The proposed project would not result in any geology and soils impacts beyond those considered in <br />the Prior EIR. All impacts continue to be less than significant with the implementation of mitigation <br />as identified. <br />The proposed project is consistent with the development evaluated in the certified Prior EIR and <br />would not result in any new impacts or increase the severity of any previously identified impacts as <br />compared to what was already identified and disclosed, either individually or cumulatively. <br />Further environmental analysis is not required because: <br />• No peculiar impacts that are not substantially mitigated have been identified as a result of <br />the proposed project or its site. Application of uniformly applied General Plan and <br />Housing Element policies, implementation of relevant Prior EIR mitigation measures, and <br />standards along with regulations of the City of Pleasanton and incorporation of identified <br />project design features will ensure impacts are below the level of significance. <br />• There are no potentially significant impacts that were not analyzed as significant in the <br />Prior EIR. <br />• There are no potentially significant off-site and/or cumulative impacts that were not <br />discussed by the Prior EIR. <br />• No substantial new information has been identified that results in an impact that is more <br />severe than anticipated by the Prior EIR. <br />