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City of Pleasanton—Stoneridge Mall Residential Project <br />Section 15183 Checklist/15164 Addendum CEQA Checklist <br /> <br /> <br />FirstCarbon Solutions 103 <br />Https:// Documents/Publications/Client (PN-JN)/2148/21480017/Consistency Checklist/21480017 Stoneridge Mall Residential Project Checklist <br />Addendum_Updated.docx <br />Analysis of Proposed Project <br />A records search on the UCMP database was performed for the proposed project by consulting <br />Paleontologist Kenneth L. Finger, PhD, on October 12, 2022 (Appendix E).51 The project site, and <br />most of the surrounding half-mile search area consists of undivided Holocene-Pleistocene deposits <br />(Qu). Excavations related to the proposed project could impact previously undisturbed Pleistocene <br />deposits, which have a high paleontological sensitivity.52 In addition, the records search found that <br />four vertebrate localities were discovered within 4 miles of the project site in the past. As such, <br />paleontological monitoring of excavations in previously undisturbed subsurface deposits is <br />recommended for this project. This is included as Measures to be Implemented in Compliance with <br />the Prior EIR. <br />Prior mitigation provided by the Prior EIR, MM GEO-4.D, adequately addresses concerns of <br />paleontological resource preservation and recovery in the case of a possible paleontological resource <br />encounter during excavation of the proposed project. As such, impacts would continue to be less <br />than significant with the implementation of this mitigation, consistent with the Prior EIR. There are <br />no proposed changes, new circumstances, or new information that would cause new or more severe <br />impacts. <br />Therefore, there are no environmental effects that are peculiar to the proposed project or the <br />parcels on which the proposed project would be located. Impacts would be less than significant and <br />the proposed project would not result in a new or more severe adverse impact that was not <br />previously identified in the Prior EIR. <br />Mitigation Measures <br />Prior EIR Mitigation Measures <br />MM-4.D-3 In the event that paleontological resources are encountered during the course of <br />development, all construction activity must temporarily cease in the affected <br />area(s) until the uncovered fossils are properly assessed by a qualified <br />Paleontologist and subsequent recommendations for appropriate documentation <br />and conservation are evaluated by the Lead Agency. Excavation or disturbance <br />may continue in other areas of the site that are not reasonably suspected to <br />overlie adjacent or additional paleontological resources. <br />Uniformly Applied Measures to be Implemented in Compliance with the Prior EIR <br />Measure 1 Prior to issuance of preliminary grading permits, the project applicant shall <br />incorporate all recommendations provided in the appended Geotechnical <br />Engineering Report into project plans. The Geotechnical recommendations <br />outlined on page 6 through page 17 of the Geotechnical Exploration that shall be <br />implemented include foundation systems, earthwork recommendations for site <br />preparation, subgrade preparation, fill materials, compaction, grading, drainage, <br /> <br />51 Finger, Kenneth L. PhD. 2022. Paleontological Records Search: Stoneridge Mall Residential Project (2148.0017), City of Pleasanton, <br />Alameda County. October 12. <br />52 Ibid.