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Chair Ritter discussed the components of the project he liked, including incorporating the <br />residential into the rezoning, which gives one complete look for the entirety of the project. He <br />also appreciates that the project maintains the overall allowable density, meeting the <br />objectives, without too many variances. <br />Commissioner Allen concurred with Chair Ritter and expressed her full support for the <br />integrated approach. She expressed appreciation towards staff and the applicant in looking at <br />an integrated strategy, which makes sense for the community. <br />Commissioner Balch dittoed the previous Commissioners and commented about density, <br />stating at some point density can lead to a project's infeasibility. However, stated he wanted to <br />be flexible and believes this project is meeting the requirements. <br />Commissioner Brown expressed his uncertainty stating he was becoming amenable towards <br />the integrated plan but had some concerns. He expressed there are benefits in the existing <br />approved plan and stated the only benefit he's currently seeing in the revised plan is towards <br />the fitness amenity and the decision to move the fitness amenity to the residential portion of <br />the project. However, he expressed he still has concerns surrounding the overall project <br />design and traffic circulation in the integrated plan. <br />Commissioner O'Connor indicated he also had concerns similar to Commissioner Brown. He <br />expressed he's amenable to the concept of integrating the housing with the commercial <br />component of the project. However, he was also concerned with traffic circulation and how <br />residents will have to pass through the commercial area in order to reach their residences. He <br />also referenced his concern regarding the massing, specifically the wrap-building and how it <br />overshadows the mall. <br />Commissioner Pace asked and clarified the reason for the exemption being sought is to modify <br />both the currently zoned residential and commercial in order to create more mixed use, which <br />he stated is simply a design feature of how to mesh the two components together and create a <br />community and lifestyle, especially for the future residents of the site. He stated he liked the <br />integration concept and indicated support for mixed use. <br />Ms. Clark confirmed that the rezoning is required because the current mall zoning does not <br />allow for residential use. <br />Commissioner Allen asked about traffic circulation issues. <br />City Traffic Engineer Mike Tassano discussed the amount of traffic generated from the mall <br />and referenced the volume of employees and vehicles associated with the Workday site. He <br />further mentioned the congestion at the intersection of Stoneridge Drive and Stoneridge Mall <br />Road, especially in the evening hours when vehicles are exiting from the mall, Workday <br />campus, and surrounding offices. He expressed his concerns and stated the need for a traffic <br />study. He mentioned the traffic model from 2012, which already included 400 homes and <br />380,000 square feet of future retail for this area, so both of these elements were already <br />approved and accounted for increased congestion. He discussed the pedestrian and bicycle <br />traffic and the future amenities, including the cycle track, which would help improve circulation. <br />Planning Commission Minutes Page 6 of 9 March 11, 2020