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-2 - <br />156123283.10 <br />D.Non-Objective Guideline. <br />SPG also notes that many of the ODS are not objective. A standard is not objective unless it is “uniformly verifiable by reference to an external and <br />uniform benchmark,” “involves no personal or subjective judgment by a public official” and “there is little to no room for reasonable persons to differ <br />on whether a project complies with such a benchmark.” Many of the standards set forth below appear in the ODS document under the heading <br />“Guideline,” which itself indicates the standard is not objective. Non-objective standards established on or after January 1, 2020, as will be the case <br />for the ODS, cannot be enforced. (Gov’t Code § 66300(b)(1)(C)) <br />II.COMPLIANCE CHART <br />Row Standard Compliance Analysis <br />PART 2: PUD REGULATIONS (pages 9-10) <br />1.Front Yard <br />Minimum: <br />See Prototype Street Sections Complies. <br />2.Side Yard Minimum:One Side 8 feet /A total of 20 feet for both sides Complies. <br />3.Rear Yard <br />Minimum: <br />20 feet (Note -Trash enclosures, carports, bike storage and other accessory <br />structures allowed per City Zoning ordinance are allowed to encroach upon rear <br />yard such that they maintain a setback of 5 feet from the property line) <br />Complies. <br />4.Group Usable Open <br />Space: <br />For projects over 45 DU/ACRE –200 square feet per dwelling unit. <br />Private open space is not required for each unit. However, if Private open space <br />is provided, it may be deducted from the Group open space requirement. 30 <br />percent of the square feet provided as a Private open space in the form of <br />individual unit terraces, balconies, can be deducted from the total required group <br />open space. <br />Also see PMC for definitions and regulations. (Note --The area of the public <br />plaza/park can be counted toward the project’s group usable open space <br />requirement). <br />Complies, based on 60 <br />units/acre. <br />5.Maximum FAR:Not Applicable. N/A <br />6.Maximum Height:65 feet (or 5 stories), except as per AB 2923 Complies. <br />7.Minimum Height <br />(Principal <br />structures): <br />20 feet Complies. <br />8.Parking Minimums:Residential -1.5 spaces per unit <br />Live/Work -2 spaces per unit <br />Visitor Parking -1 space per every 10 units. <br />N/A. Project parking <br />requirement is 0.5 spaces per <br />unit per Density Bonus Law.