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Page 2 <br /> 4637 Chabot Drive, Suite 300, Pleasanton, CA 94588 925.398.4840 <br />set forth in Table 4.J-6 of the SEIR. Its conclusions regarding the noise potentially resulting <br />development of those sites plus General Plan buildout (the cumulative scenario studied in that SEIR) <br />are set forth in Table 4.J-7 of the SEIR. Tables 4.J-6 and 4.J-7 are provided in the Attachments. <br />The Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP) adopted by the City based upon the SEIR <br />includes the following mitigation measures: <br />Mitigation Measure 4.J-5a: Prior to PUD approval, if a potential site for rezoning would add <br />traffic noise in excess of 55 dBA as described in Table 4.J-6, the project applicant shall conduct <br />an off-site noise study to determine the project's contribution to off-site roadway noise and <br />contribute its fair-share to mitigate the established noise impact. <br />Mitigation Measure 4.J-9: Prior to PUD approval, if a potential site for rezoning would add traffic <br />noise in excess of 55 dBA as described in Table 4.J-7, the project applicant shall conduct an <br />off-site noise study to determine the project’s contribution to off-site roadway noise and <br />contribute its fair-share to mitigate the established noise impact. <br />This memorandum describes how the Project will satisfy these mitigation measures, by determining <br />its contribution toward the total traffic projected to use the relevant road segments identified in Tables <br />4.J-6 and 4.J-7. <br />C.METHODOLOGY <br />Study Roadway Segments <br />Nearby roadways were selected as the Project’s study area to determine the Project’s fair share <br />contribution, while the remaining impacted roadways referenced in Tables 4.J-6 and 4.J-7 were not <br />evaluated since Project traffic is not assumed to be added to these roadways. The 10X Genomics Final <br />Transportation Impact Analysis (TIA)2,was used as the basis for determining the roadway segments <br />that would be materially affected by the Project, as the 10X Geonomics study addresses a project <br />across the street from the Project and was recently approved by the City. The 10X Genomics TIA <br />conducted an intersection level of service (LOS) analysis at select intersections. Therefore, roadway <br />segments were determined as the roadways between the study intersections. <br />To determine whether additional roadway segments beyond what was considered in the 10X Genomics <br />TIA, a trip generation comparison was conducted between the Project and 10X Genomics. If the Project <br />generates fewer trips than 10X Genomics, the 10X Genomics’ study area would be considered <br />sufficient for this analysis and roadway segments outside of the 10X Genomics’ study area were not <br />evaluated since the Project would not add trips to these segments. <br />A comparison of the daily, AM peak hour, and PM peak hour trip generation for the Project and 10X <br />Genomics is shown in Table 1. Trip generation was determined for the Project using the most recent <br />2 10X Genomics Final Transportation Impact Analysis,Fehr & Peers, March 2021.