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Page 9 <br /> 4637 Chabot Drive, Suite 300, Pleasanton, CA 94588 925.398.4840 <br />156380685.4 <br />Project, since that intersection was not addressed in prior models. Traffic generated from the 10x <br />Genomics project was added to the City’s Synchro traffic model to develop the cumulative conditions <br />volumes. Turning movement volumes are shown in Attachment B. It should be noted that the Project <br />is consistent with the previously approved 2012 Housing Element and therefore is accounted for under <br />Cumulative Conditions. <br />Study Methodology <br />Traffic was evaluated based on the level of service (LOS) methodology defined in the Highway Capacity <br />Manual (HCM) 6th Edition within Synchro software.Table 1 relates the operational characteristics <br />associated with each LOS category for signalized and unsignalized intersections. <br />General Plan LOS Standards <br />The LOS standard for a City of Pleasanton intersection is generally LOS D. However, based on the <br />City’s General Plan, gateway intersections may operate below LOS D if no reasonable measures exist <br />to reduce traffic volumes or if such measures would contradict the City’s goals and policies. <br /> Table 1: Intersection Level of Service Definitions <br />Level of <br />Service Description <br />Signalized <br />(Avg. control delay <br />per vehicle <br />sec/veh.) <br />Unsignalized <br />(Avg. control delay <br />per vehicle <br />sec/veh.) <br />A Free flow with no delays. Users are virtually <br />unaffected by others in the traffic stream delay ≤ 10.0 delay ≤ 10.0 <br />B Stable traffic. Traffic flows smoothly with few delays. 10.0 < delay ≤ 20.0 10.0 < delay ≤ 15.0 <br />C Stable flow but the operation of individual users <br />becomes affected by other vehicles. Modest delays.20.0 < delay ≤ 35.0 15.0 < delay ≤ 25.0 <br />D <br />Approaching unstable flow. Operation of individual <br />users becomes significantly affected by other <br />vehicles. Delays may be more than one cycle during <br />peak hours. <br />35. 0 < delay ≤ 55.0 25.0 < delay ≤ 35.0 <br />E Unstable flow with operating conditions at or near <br />the capacity level. Long delays and vehicle queuing.55.0 < delay ≤80.0 35.0 < delay ≤ 50.0 <br />F <br />Forced or breakdown flow that causes reduced <br />capacity. Stop and go traffic conditions. Excessive <br />long delays and vehicle queuing. <br />delay ≤ 80 delay ≤ 50 <br />Sources: Transportation Research Board, Highway Capacity Manual 6th Edition, National Research Council, 2016.