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Page 10 <br /> 4637 Chabot Drive, Suite 300, Pleasanton, CA 94588 925.398.4840 <br />156380685.4 <br />Trip Generation <br />Trip generation for the proposed project was estimated using the Institute of Transportation Engineers <br />(ITE) Trip Generation Manual, 11th Edition2. This is the standard reference used in the industry for <br />determining trip generation for potential projects. ITE Land Use Code 221: Multifamily Housing (Mid- <br />Rise) Close to Transit was used for trip generation calculations for the project site. Due to the proximity <br />of the West Dublin/Pleasanton BART Station, located less than ½-mile from the Project, the <br />subcategory for “Close to Transit” was used.Table 2 presents the weekday trip generation for the <br />proposed project. The project will generate 1,710 daily trips, 113 trips in the AM peak hour (63 In / 50 <br />Out), and 104 trips in the PM peak hour (45 In / 59 Out). <br />Table 2 – Project Trip Generation <br />Project Land Use ITE Land <br />Use Code Units Daily AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour <br />Total In Out Total In Out <br />Stoneridge <br />Residential <br />(Project) <br />Multifamily Housing <br />(Mid-Rise) Close to <br />Transit <br />221 360 DU 1,710 113 63 50 104 45 59 <br />DU = Dwelling Units <br />Trip Distribution <br />Project trip distribution was based on volume patterns along Stoneridge Mall Road, locations of <br />complementary uses, the Workday Transportation Assessment, and the Alameda County <br />Transportation Commission (ACTC) travel demand forecast model freeway volumes for the year 2020. <br />This travel demand forecast model shows regional travel patterns in Alameda County and is a good <br />indicator of where vehicle trips are coming from and going to on the freeway system (i.e. I-580 and I- <br />680). The following is the anticipated trip distribution for the Project: <br />· I-580 to/from the west = 31% <br />· I-580 to/from the east = 17% <br />· I-680 to/from the north = 25% <br />· I-680 to/from the south = 27% <br />Cumulative Conditions (Opening Day) <br />Traffic operations were evaluated at the study intersections under Cumulative conditions. Results of <br />the analysis are presented in Table 3. In the AM peak, a distribution of 48 percent of Project vehicles <br />using the north residential parking garage access and 52 percent using the south residential parking <br />garage access were assumed. In the PM peak, a distribution of 42 percent of Project vehicles using <br />the north residential parking garage access and 58 percent using the south residential parking garage <br />2 Trip Generation Manual, 11th Edition, Institute of Transportation Engineers, Washington, D.C., 2021.