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Page 5 <br /> 4637 Chabot Drive, Suite 300, Pleasanton, CA 94588 925.398.4840 <br />156380685.4 <br />appropriate. The Workday project was required to build the needed improvements. These <br />improvements are included in the City’s Traffic Impact Fee project list and the 2022 Residential Project <br />would fund its fair share by paying traffic impact fees. <br />The Workday study also noted that at the intersection of Stoneridge Mall Road and Stoneridge Drive, <br />the southbound left-turn queue would exceed the storage capacity of the left-turn lanes in the existing <br />plus approved without project scenario in the PM peak hour. This Workday-specific impact was <br />addressed by a condition of approval requiring that the Workday project applicant install this <br />improvement. <br />The 2014 Workday study also determined that the Workday project would be required to construct a <br />new combined driveway for the BART garage and the Workday project, which would allow for a design <br />that would accommodate queues for both the BART station and Workday office uses. The Workday <br />project also was required to install a signal at this driveway. These requirements imposed on the <br />Workday project were designed to ensure safe and adequate operations, levels of service and queuing <br />under scenarios which include future expansion of Stoneridge Mall and the residential development <br />proposed in the Housing Element (including the Project), as well as the Workday project. <br />2015 Addendum for Housing Element <br />The City prepared an Addendum for its 2015 Housing Element, which confirmed that there were no <br />substantial changes to impacts identified previously. <br />2016 Workday Traffic Study <br />After the Workday project was approved in 2014, the square footage of the Workday project was <br />reduced, and more precise employee population figures were developed. In 2016, Fehr & Peers <br />prepared a traffic study to determine whether these developments would alter the conclusions of the <br />2014 Workday traffic study. The 2016 report also evaluated the site access intersections on Stoneridge <br />Mall Road. The report concluded that the overall conclusions presented in the 2014 Workday Traffic <br />Impact Analysis remained applicable. <br />2019 Stoneridge Mall Commercial Replacement and Expansion Project <br />In April 2019, the City approved redevelopment of the Sears building and adjacent 2-story parking <br />garage at Stoneridge Shopping Center. The retail project proposed to demolish the existing Sears store <br />and parking structure and redevelop the site with a net new 79,269 SF of commercial development. <br />The net new retail square footage is included in the overall additional 353,500 square footage approved <br />for Stoneridge Shopping Center and not additive. This project was approved based upon an Addendum <br />that documented no new or more severe traffic impacts than had been disclosed previously. The traffic <br />analysis supporting the Addendum concluded that the retail project was consistent with the prior traffic <br />analysis results, and no new traffic effects would occur. <br />The City’s Current Traffic Demand Model <br />The City's current traffic demand model addresses non-CEQA road capacity issues in the context of <br />evaluating consistency with General Plan Levels of Service. It incorporates all traffic anticipated from <br />the development described in the studies referenced above. The traffic improvements needed to