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Arborist Report, Stoneridge Shopping Center, 1008 Stoneridge Mall Rd March 10, 2022 (updated 6/21/22) <br /> <br />Jennifer Tso, BCMA 9 <br /># Species DBH Height Heritage Health Structure Dripline <br />N E S W <br />Age DE CI Comments Recommendations <br />142 Chinese flame <br />tree <br />13 25 F/F-P F 18 18 18 18 M X H Tall vertical epicormic sprouts. Dead bark <br />and cankers around trunk; dieback. In <br />proposed sidewalk. <br />Remove. <br />143 Chinese flame <br />tree <br />13 25 F-P F 18 18 18 18 M X H Entire S half of trunk cankered and dead. <br />Strong epicormic shoots. In proposed <br />sidewalk. <br />Remove. <br />144 Canary Island <br />pine <br />17 30 F G-F 10 18 10 10 M X H Elongated low branch to E. Slightly off color <br />and sparse foliage. In proposed sidewalk. <br />Remove. <br />145 Sweet gum 12 30 VP F-P 8 8 8 8 OM X H Dead bark all around entire trunk. Stunted <br />growth. Crispy branches. Might be dead. 6' <br />from proposed sidewalk. <br />Remove (dying). <br />146 London <br />planetree <br />10 25 G G 15 15 15 15 Y-M X H In proposed frontage improvements. Remove. <br />147 London <br />planetree <br />10 25 G G 10 10 10 10 Y X H Surrounded by hardscape on 3 sides. In <br />proposed frontage improvements. <br />Remove. <br />148 London <br />planetree <br />17 35 X G G 18 18 18 18 M X H In proposed drive aisle. Remove. (heritage tree) <br />149 London <br />planetree <br />15.5 35 X G G 18 18 18 18 M L Large scaffold at 8'. Electric charging <br />stations & vaults 7' & 10' to S & SE. Clear of <br />construction. <br />None. <br />150 London <br />planetree <br />16 35 X F G 15 15 15 15 M L Stunted growth with small diameter dieback. <br />New charging stations 5' to NE. Clear of <br />construction. <br />None. <br />151 London <br />planetree <br />15 35 X G-F G 18 18 18 18 M L Curb within 6" of root flare to E. Clear of <br />construction. <br />None. <br />152 London <br />planetree <br />18.5 35 X G G 20 20 20 20 M L Curb within 6" of root flare to E. Asphalt <br />walkway cracked 4' to SE and curb lifted 2' <br />to SE, likely root related. Clear of <br />construction. <br />None. <br />153 Blackwood <br />acacia (Acacia <br />melanoxylon) <br />20 28 X F F/F-P 20 20 20 20 M L Lower trunk leans to N. Elongated/lions' <br />tailed branches. Stunted & chlorotic canopy. <br />Clear of construction. <br />None. <br />154 Mulberry <br />(Morus alba) <br />10.5 18 F-P F 15 15 15 15 M L 2.5'x2.5' planter. Stunted growth with <br />epicormic shoots. Clear of construction. <br />None. <br />155 Callery pear <br />(Pyrus <br />calleryana) <br />7.5 15 F-P G-F 8 8 8 8 M L Stunted growth. Clear of construction. None.