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Arborist Report, Stoneridge Shopping Center, 1008 Stoneridge Mall Rd March 10, 2022 (updated 6/21/22) <br /> <br />Jennifer Tso, BCMA 10 <br /># Species DBH Height Heritage Health Structure Dripline <br />N E S W <br />Age DE CI Comments Recommendations <br />156 Callery pear 8 15 G-F F 10 10 10 10 M L Crowded multiple stems at 5'-6' above <br />grade. Clear of construction. <br />None. <br />157 Callery pear 7 13 G-F G-F/F 8 8 8 8 Y-M L Curb cracked to SW. Clear of construction. None. <br />158 Callery pear 7 13 F F 8 8 8 8 Y-M X H Stunted growth. Crowded branches at 7'. In <br />proposed planter. <br />Remove. <br />159 Callery pear 8.5 15 G-F F-P 15 15 4 15 Y-M X H Asymmetrical to NE, scaffold to S removed. <br />Strong epicormic growth at 10' indicating <br />excessive past pruning. In proposed <br />building. <br />Remove. <br />161 Raywood ash <br />(Fraxinus <br />angustifolia <br />'Raywood') <br />7.5 15 P F-P 8 6 3 6 M- <br />OM <br />X H 3'x3' planter. Entire S half of trunk <br />sunburned. Co-dominant leaders removed or <br />failed to E and S. Remaining canopy <br />stunted. Significant hardscape damage. In <br />proposed building. <br />Remove. <br />162 Raywood ash 9 20 F P 8 8 8 8 Y-M X H S side of trunk and lower scaffolds <br />sunburned. Narrow co-dominant stems at 6' <br />with bark inclusion. Stunted growth, suckers <br />at base. In proposed parking. <br />Remove. <br />163 Raywood ash 8 15 F-P F-P 8 8 8 8 Y-M X H Stunted growth. Top leader dead. Minor <br />sunburn damage to trunk & scaffolds. <br />Narrow co-dominant stems at 6', no included <br />bark. Curb lifted 4' to N due to root. In <br />proposed parking. <br />Remove. <br />164 London <br />planetree <br />6.5 20 G G-F 8 8 8 8 Y X H Curb cracked to W 2' from trunk. In <br />proposed frontage improvements. In <br />proposed frontage improvements. <br />Remove. <br />165 London <br />planetree <br />7 20 G G-F 8 8 8 8 Y X H Relatively squat for size. Irrigation boxes 1' <br />to W. In proposed frontage improvements. <br />Remove. <br />166 London <br />planetree <br />8 20 G G-F 10 10 10 10 Y X H Curb cracked 7' to N. In proposed frontage <br />improvements. <br />Remove. <br />167 London <br />planetree <br />7.5 20 G G-F 8 8 8 8 Y X H Curb within 1' & 3' of trunk. In proposed <br />frontage improvements. <br />Remove. <br />168 London <br />planetree <br />7 20 G G 8 8 8 8 Y X H Traffic signal box 1' to E, curb pushed out. In <br />proposed frontage improvements. <br />Remove. <br />169 London <br />planetree <br />7.5 20 G G-F 8 8 8 8 Y X H Irrigation control box 3' to W. In proposed <br />frontage improvements. <br />Remove.