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Arborist Report, Stoneridge Shopping Center, 1008 Stoneridge Mall Rd March 10, 2022 (updated 6/21/22) <br /> <br />Jennifer Tso, BCMA 8 <br /># Species DBH Height Heritage Health Structure Dripline <br />N E S W <br />Age DE CI Comments Recommendations <br />127 Evergreen pear 7 12 G-F F 10 10 10 10 Y L Clear of construction. None. <br />128 Evergreen pear 10.5 20 F F 12 12 12 12 Y-M L Crowded crossing branches. Stunted <br />growth. Clear of construction. <br />None. <br />129 Evergreen pear 12.5 20 G-F F 15 15 15 15 M L 75% of root area covered by water valves <br />and pumps. Downward arching scaffold <br />branches. Clear of construction. <br />None. <br />130 Canary Island <br />pine <br />22 35 X G G 8 8 8 8 M X H Nice dense canopy. PG&E vault 6' to W. In <br />proposed walkway. <br />Remove. (heritage tree) <br />131 Canary Island <br />pine <br />22 45 X F F 12 12 12 12 M X H Sparse canopy with elongated branches. <br />Planter narrows down by tree. In proposed <br />lane. <br />Remove. (heritage tree) <br />132 Canary Island <br />pine <br />16 40 X F/F-P F 10 10 10 10 M X H SS manhole 6' to N. Sparse canopy with <br />stunted growth, 1 sided due to shading. <br />Narrow co-dominant leaders at top. In <br />proposed sidewalk. <br />Remove. (heritage tree) <br />133 London <br />planetree <br />16 35 X G G-F 18 18 18 18 M X H Large secondary leader at 8' with wide <br />attachment. In proposed sidewalk. <br />Remove. (heritage tree) <br />134 London <br />planetree <br />15 35 X F/F-P G-F 15 15 15 15 M X H Stunted growth. Planter at most narrow point <br />next to tree. In proposed sidewalk. <br />Remove. (heritage tree) <br />135 London <br />planetree <br />14.5 28 F/F-P G-F 18 18 18 18 M X H Very stunted growth and sparse canopy. In <br />proposed sidewalk. In proposed sidewalk. <br />Remove. <br />136 London <br />planetree <br />14.5 30 F/F-P G-F 15 15 15 15 M X H Very stunted growth. In proposed sidewalk. Remove. <br />137 London <br />planetree <br />14.5 28 F G-F 15 15 15 15 M X H Stunted growth. In proposed sidewalk. Remove. <br />138 London <br />planetree <br />12.5 28 F/F-P G-F 15 15 15 15 M X H Stunted growth. In proposed sidewalk. Remove. <br />139 London <br />planetree <br />15 30 G G-F 18 18 18 18 M X H Trunk 1' from curb; no hardscape damage. <br />In proposed sidewalk. <br />Remove. <br />140 Chinese flame <br />tree <br />13 20 F G 15 15 15 15 M X H Has goldenrain tree bug. Curb 2' from N <br />and E sides of trunk, SS manhole 2' to SE. <br />In proposed sidewalk. <br />Remove. <br />141 Chinese flame <br />tree <br />11 20 F F 15 15 15 15 M X H Branch tore off on S side of canopy. <br />Branches appear dead; weak sprouts with <br />decent flower stalks. In proposed sidewalk. <br />Remove.