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Resolution No. PC-2023-06 <br />Page Eighteen <br /> <br /> <br />recorded on 9-05-2013 as Series No. 2013-299219, and a Third Amendment to DA recorded on <br />9-19-2018 as Series No. 2018-182964. Section 4.5 “Easements; Improvements” (Page 11) of the <br />DA includes the following language: <br /> <br />“City shall cooperate with Developer in connection with any arrangements for abandoning existing <br />utility or other easements and facilities and the relocation thereof or creation of any new <br />easements within the Property necessary or appropriate in connection with the development of <br />the Project.” <br /> <br />Portions of the public services easements (PSE) described in the report will require abandonment <br />and relocation. The abandonment process shall follow California Streets and Highways Code <br />§8300 et seq. A replacement PSE shall then be dedicated to the City by separate instrument <br />across the new alignments of the public sanitary sewer and water pipelines (i.e. Drive Aisles A <br />and B plus the Pedestrian Plaza). Note that the DA is currently scheduled to terminate on <br />12-31-2022. (Address this condition prior to plan approval) (Project Specific Condition) <br /> <br />52. STORMWATER AGREEMENT. Referring to the report by Fidelity National Title Insurance <br />Company, the applicant shall address the following encumbrance: Exception #10 describes a <br />Stormwater Treatment Measures Inspection and Maintenance Agreement (O&M Agreement) <br />recorded on 12-27-2006 as Series No. 2006-470039. This O&M Agreement was executed when <br />improvements were made to the southwest area of the applicant’s property. The current <br />application involves the southeast area. Said O&M Agreement shall be amended to include areas <br />where additional stormwater treatment measures are installed. For more information about such <br />agreements, refer to the Alameda Countywide Clean Water Program’s C.3 Guidance Manual, <br />Chapter 8. (Address this condition prior to issuance of an occupancy permit) (Project Specific <br />Condition) <br /> <br />53. PEDESTRIAN WALKWAY NETWORK. The project shall be amended to include an <br />interconnected network of pedestrian walkways surrounding the development. Dead end <br />walkways that terminate at drive aisles shall be eliminated in favor of walkways that provide safe <br />and continuous pedestrian access to all primary development entrances as well as the public <br />sidewalk network and the existing walkway that leads to the mall entrance. The walkways shall be <br />accessible for the disabled including curb ramps with truncated domes and marked crosswalks <br />where pedestrians cross vehicle aisles or driveways. The existing gap in the pedestrian network <br />at the southwest corner of the site that shall be closed by extending a walkway west along the <br />north side of Stoneridge Mall Road (south) to the existing crosswalk at Springdale Avenue. This <br />sidewalk gap closure can either be implemented as part of the development or, at the discretion <br />of the Director of Community Development may be deferred to a subsequent phase of <br />development through implementation of improvements planned as part of the broader <br />redevelopment of Stoneridge Mall as envisioned in the City-adopted Stoneridge Mall Framework. <br />If deferred, the applicant shall provide a guarantee to City in an amount equivalent to the future <br />cost of the improvement including design, construction, contingency, and administrative fees. The <br />form of guarantee shall be a deferral agreement approved by the Director of Community <br />Development prior to issuance of a Building Permit. The guarantee shall be released, and any <br />amounts paid refunded in full if development on the neighboring property (APN 941-1201-30-6, <br />commonly known as the "Macy's" parcel) is approved with an equivalent or better pedestrian <br />facility within two years of issuance of the first Certificate of Occupancy for this project . If <br />development on the Macy’s parcel is not approved within two years, applicant shall either install <br />the sidewalk gap closure, or forfeit any amounts paid so City or a third party can install the <br />improvement at a later date. In addition, a pedestrian refuge island shall be constructed at the <br />northwest corner of the site at the “Y” vehicle intersection. The refuge island shall be constructed