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Resolution No. PC-2023-06 <br />Page Nineteen <br /> <br /> <br />of cast-in-place concrete raised approximately six inches above the abutting drive surfaces with <br />accessible ramps to receive pedestrians from all ends of the “L”-shaped crosswalk. An <br />MUTCD-compliant Type 2 Object Marker (OM2-1H) shall be installed at the nose of the island <br />visible to westbound vehicles. (Address this condition prior to plan approval) (Project Specific <br />Condition) <br /> <br />54. IMPROVEMENTS ON NEIGHBORING PROPERTY. The project includes improvements on the <br />neighboring property owned by “Federated Department Stores” (APN 941-1201-30-6). Although <br />the private agreement discussed in Exception #5 of the title report (document recorded on <br />5-25-1978 as Series No. 78-098534) above contemplated additional development, the applicant <br />shall inform the neighboring owner prior to initiating work across the common property line. <br />(Address this condition prior to commencement of any work on the neighboring property) (Project <br />Specific Condition) <br /> <br />55. DRIVE AISLE A LANE CONFIGURATION. The westbound lane configuration on Drive Aisle A <br />between the parking structure entrance and Stoneridge Mall Road (east) shall be modified to <br />include a dedicated left turn pocket (east to north) and a dedicated right turn pocket (east to <br />south). The proposed left turn pocket from Drive Aisle A into the parking structure entrance (west <br />to south) shall be shortened to accommodate this modification. (Address this condition prior to <br />plan approval) (Project Specific Condition) <br /> <br />56. SOIL CORROSIVITY. Referring to the Geotechnical Engineering Report by Terracon, Section 3.6 <br />(Page five), the corrosion potential of the near surface subgrade site soils is discussed. Although <br />laboratory test results were revealed, the report omitted a recommendation for the protection of <br />buried ferrous metals. The report shall be amended to disclose whether a cathodic protection <br />system is needed to provide long-term corrosion resistance for the potable water main <br />components needed to realign the City’s existing pipe network. (Address this condition prior to <br />plan approval) (Project Specific Condition) <br /> <br />57. CONSTRUCTION GENERAL PERMIT: This application is subject to a Construction General <br />Permit according to the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) General <br />Permit No. CAS000002. The general permit is applicable to development sites that disturb one or <br />more acres of land surface. The applicant will be required to register the project with the State <br />Water Board’s Stormwater Multi-Application and Report Tracking System (SMARTS) website. A <br />Qualified SWPPP Developer (QSD) and a Qualified SWPPP Practitioner (QSP) must be <br />responsible for permit compliance. The SMARTS system will generate a Waste Dischargers <br />Identification (WDID) number, which must be printed on the grading and/or erosion control plans. <br />(Address this condition prior to permit issuance) (Project Specific Condition) <br /> <br />58. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: These Conditions of Approval shall be depicted on a plan <br />sheet(s) in the submitted plans for construction. (Address this condition prior to plan approval) <br /> <br />59. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT FEES FOR SERVICE: The Engineering Department assesses <br />fees for services including plan-check, permit issuance, and inspection according to the City’s <br />adopted Master Fee Schedule. These fees are separate and distinct from fees assessed by the <br />Community Development Department (including Planning and Building Division fees). The <br />applicant is responsible for payment of all Engineering Department fees prior to services <br />rendered or permit issuance, whichever is first. (Address this condition prior to plan approval) <br /> <br />60. CITY ENGINEER SIGNATURE BLOCK: The following signature block shall be depicted on the <br />first sheet of the plans submitted for construction: “Approval of these plans is for work within the