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Appendix A - Housing Needs Assessment: The Housing Needs Assessment <br /> establishes the foundation for understanding Pleasanton's housing needs. It analyzes a <br /> range of demographic, economic, and housing-related variables that help define the <br /> extent and context of the city's housing-related needs. The needs assessment includes <br /> an analysis of the city's population, special needs groups, employment, housing stock, <br /> and housing affordability. Information in this section provides a basis from which to build <br /> housing goals, policies, and programs to address those needs. <br /> Appendix B - Sites Inventory and Methodology: Identifies locations of available sites <br /> for housing development to ensure that there is adequate capacity to address the <br /> RHNA, in each of the affordability categories. <br /> As shown in Appendix B, the City's existing zoning (i.e., residential development <br /> capacity that exists currently within Pleasanton's residential and mixed-use zoning <br /> districts) and "pipeline" of entitled projects is estimated to accommodate approximately <br /> 2,792 housing units; this number includes 93 ADUs that are assumed will be built during <br /> the Housing Element period. This estimated capacity reflects a shortfall when compared <br /> to the total RHNA allocation (total of 5,965 units). Thus, a total of 18 additional sites <br /> have been identified for rezoning to allow housing, to provide adequate sites capacity to <br /> meet the RHNA as described above. (As described below, the Planning Commission <br /> recommended some modifications to the sites inventory, which the City Council may <br /> consider adopting into the Housing Element for submittal to HCD). <br /> Appendix C - Housing Constraints Analysis: Analyzes and recommends remedies <br /> for existing and potential governmental and nongovernmental barriers to housing <br /> development. <br /> Appendix D - Existing Programs Evaluation and Review: Reviews the prior Housing <br /> Element to measure progress in implementing policies and programs. This Appendix <br /> evaluates which programs were successful and should be continued, and which <br /> programs were ineffective and should be removed or modified. Examples of <br /> recommended modifications include integrating changes to reflect State law updates <br /> (e.g., no net loss (SB 166), Housing Crisis Act (SB 330), supportive housing, <br /> emergency shelters, etc.) and providing more specificity in terms of City actions. <br /> Appendix E - Public Participation Summaries: Summarizes community outreach and <br /> engagement meeting and surveys, with a particular focus on outreach to traditionally <br /> underrepresented groups. Additional outreach summaries are provided in Appendix F <br /> that are specific to Fair Housing. <br /> Appendix F - Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH): Affirmatively Furthering <br /> Fair Housing (AFFH) is a new requirement for the 6th Cycle and is included based on a <br /> 2018 State law (AB 686). AB 686 requires the Housing Element to comprehensively <br /> analyze and address patterns of exclusion and segregation (looking both locally and <br /> regionally), and to identify meaningful actions and strategies to address those issues <br /> and their "contributing factors." The exhaustive AFFH analysis reflects detailed <br /> Page 9 of 14 <br />