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2005 Pleasanton Plan 2025 2.0 Land Use Element <br />2-37Adopted 07 21 09; Amended 10 19 10 <br />Program <br />1516.2: <br />Promote the location of business services in Pleasanton to support industrial, commercial, and office <br />complexes. <br />Program <br />1516.3: <br />Generally discourage the redesignation of commercial, business park, and industrial land to residential <br />use, except for the area surrounding the BART Stations. Encourage the designation of land as mixed- <br />use where impacts can be mitigated, and where there is potential to reduce traffic and facilitate <br />affordable housing. <br />Program 1516.4 <br />: <br />Require non-residential projects to provide a landscape buffer between new non-residential <br />development and areas designated for residential use. <br />Program <br />1516.5: <br />Industrial, retail, and office projects should generally conform to the average densities assumed in <br />Table 2-3. However, projects proposing intensities greater than the average assumed in Table 2-3 may <br />be allowed up to the maximum indicated, provided that sufficient amenities and mitigations are <br />incorporated into the project to justify the increased density. <br />Mixed Use <br />Policy 1617: Encourage mixed-use development which encompasses any combination of commercial development, housing units, or community <br />facilities in an integrated development. In areas served by transit, encourage mixed use and residential densities that support <br />affordable housing and transit. <br />Policy 1718: The specific location of land uses, appropriate floor area ratios, and residential densities in mixed -use areas will be determined by <br />the City Council through the planned unit development process or through the preparation of specific plans. Notwithstanding this,. <br />however, the allowable density for identified housing sites has been established for each site in the Housing Element. <br />Policy 1819: Establish a well-planned mixture of land uses around the BART Stations consistent with the Housing Element and State law. <br />Program <br />1819.1: <br />Work with the Hacienda Owners Association to prepare a comprehensive planned unit development <br />amendment for the Hacienda Business Park with special emphasis on creating a mixed-use, pedestrian- <br />friendly area around the East Pleasanton/Dublin BART Station, consistent with the Housing <br />Element and State law. Other than future residential uses authorized in the Housing Element, this This <br />General Plan confers no additional development entitlement above what is currently entitled in <br />Hacienda.