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2005 Pleasanton Plan 2025 2.0 Land Use Element <br />2-38Adopted 07 21 09 <br />Program 1819.2: Provide land use flexibility for the Hacienda Business Park, portions of Stoneridge Mall area, and other <br />areas through the Mixed Use/Business Park, and Mixed Use land use designations, and Housing <br />Element Sites Overlay. The intent is to plan for a mixed use area area to sufficiently to accommodate <br />the City’s Regional Housing Needs Determination. The allowable density for identified housing sites <br />has been established for each site in the Housing Element. <br />Program 1819.3: Use the development review process to reduce or mitigate any potential adverse impacts (noise, odor, <br />parking, light and glare, etc.) related to allowing a mix of land uses in Hacienda and within the <br />Stoneridge Mall area. <br />Open Space <br />Policy 1920: Preserve designated open space areas for the protection of public health and safety, the provision of recreational opportunit ies, <br />agriculture and grazing, the production of natural resources, the preservation of wildlands, water management and recreation, and <br />the physical separation of Pleasanton from neighboring communities. <br />Program 1920.1: Preserve open space by way of fee purchase, developer dedications, conservation and scenic easements, <br />transfer of development rights, Williamson Act contracts, open-space zoning categories, and other <br />means which may become available. <br />Policy 2021: In the Ridgelands, preserve the remaining agricultural open space. <br />Program 2021.1: The base density for agricultural areas in the Ridgelands is 100 acres per building site. New homes may <br />be located only on a legal building site, must not interfere with agricultural use in the area, and must not <br />interfere with documented public agency plans to connect or create trails and open space areas. Measure <br />F may not be amended as to land-use designations nor repealed except by a vote of the citizens of <br />Pleasanton. <br />Policy 2122: Preserve scenic hillside and ridge views of the Pleasanton, Main, and Southeast Hills ridges (Measure QQ, Nov. 2008). <br />Program 2122.1: Continue to implement the land-use and development standards of the Pleasanton Ridgelands Initiative <br />of 1993 (Measure F). <br />Program 2122.2: Study the feasibility of preserving large open-space areas in the Southeast Hills by a combination of <br />private open-space and a public park system (Measure QQ, Nov. 2008).