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1 <br />990052\01\3407083.1 <br />Government Code Provision Housing Element Compliance <br />Section 65583 <br />The housing element shall consist of an identification and analysis of existing and <br />projected housing needs and a statement of goals, policies, quantified objectives, <br />financial resources, and scheduled programs for the preservation, improvement, and <br />development of housing. <br />Main Body: <br />•Section 2: Projected Housing <br />Need <br />•Section 4: Goals, Policies, and <br />Programs <br />Appendix A: Housing Needs <br />Assessment <br />Appendix G.1: Financial and <br />Administrative Resources <br />The housing element shall identify adequate sites for housing, including rental housing, <br />factory-built housing, mobilehomes, and emergency shelters, and shall make adequate <br />provision for the existing and projected needs of all economic segments of the <br />community. <br />Appendix B: Sites Inventory and <br />Methodology <br />•Section B.3.2: Rezoning <br />•Section B.3.4: Housing Sites <br />Table <br />The element shall contain all of the following: <br />(a)An assessment of housing needs and an inventory of resources and constraints <br />relevant to the meeting of these needs. The assessment and inventory shall include all of <br />the following: <br />Appendix A: Housing Needs <br />Assessment <br />Appendix C: Housing Constraints <br />Appendix G: Housing Resources <br />(a)(1) An analysis of population and employment trends and documentation of <br />projections <br />Appendix A: Housing Needs <br />Assessment <br />•Section A.2: Population <br />Characteristics <br />•Section A.2.1: Population <br />•Section A.2.4: Employment <br />(a)(1) A quantification of the locality’s existing and projected housing needs for all <br />income levels, including extremely low income households, as defined in subdivision (b) <br />of Section 50105 and Section 50106 of the Health and Safety Code. These existing and <br />projected needs shall include the locality’s share of the regional housing need in <br />accordance with Section 65584. Local agencies shall calculate the subset of very low <br />income households allotted under Section 65584 that qualify as extremely low income <br />Main Body: <br />•Section 2: Projected Housing <br />Need <br />Appendix B: Sites Inventory and <br />Methodology