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Finding/ <br />Comment #Comment Response Reference <br />City of Pleasanton 6th Cycle Housing Element <br />HCD November 14, 2022 Letter - Comments and Responses - December 2, 2022 <br />Attachment 1, Exhibit A <br />C.3 <br />Address and, where appropriate and legally possible, remove governmental and nongovernmental constraints to the maintenance, <br />improvement, and development of housing, including housing for all income levels and housing for persons with disabilities. The program <br />shall remove constraints to, and provide reasonable accommodations for housing designed for, intended for occupancy by, or with <br />supportive services for, persons with disabilities. (Gov. Code, § 65583, subd. (c)(3).) <br />As noted in Findings B4, the element requires a complete analysis of potential governmental and non-governmental constraints. Depending <br />upon the results of that analysis, the City may need to revise or add programs and address and remove or mitigate any identified constraints. <br />See responses under Comment B.4, above.N/A <br />C.3 (cont) <br />In addition, Program 5.6 (Zoning for Special Needs Housing) commits to allow residential care facilities for seven or more persons subject to <br />conformance with objective standards to ensure no negative impacts on neighborhoods. However, the program should also commit to allow <br />these uses in all residential zones, objectively similar to other residential uses and not constrain housing for persons with disabilities. <br />Program 5.6 language will be revised to allow <br />residential care facilities for seven or more <br />persons to be allowed in all residential zones and <br />in an objective manner similar to other residential <br />uses. <br />Program 5.6 <br />C.4 <br />Promote and affirmatively further fair housing opportunities and promote housing throughout the community or communities for all persons <br />regardless of race, religion, sex, marital status, ancestry, national origin, color, familial status, or disability, and other characteristics... (Gov. <br />Code, § 65583, subd. (c)(5).) <br />As noted in Finding B1, the element must include a complete assessment of fair housing. Based on the outcomes of that analysis, the <br />element must add or modify programs. Goals and actions must specifically respond to the analysis and to the identified and prioritized <br />contributing factors to fair housing issues and must be significant and meaningful enough to overcome identified patterns and trends. Actions <br />must have specific commitments, milestones, geographic targeting, and metrics and given that most of the City is considered a higher- <br />resource community, the element should focus on programs that enhance housing mobility and encourage the development of more <br />affordable housing choices in an inclusive manner throughout the City. <br />Programs identified under the affirmatively <br />furthering fair housing analysis will be updated to <br />reflect revisions and new programs (e.g., <br />reasonable accommodation) in response to other <br />HCD comments, and revised so that timelines <br />include specific months in addition to years. <br />Appendix F (Affirmatively Furthering Fair <br />Housing), Section F.6 (Contributing Factors <br />and Meaningful Action) <br />6