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DRAFT Redlines <br />Housing Element Section 4B <br />Program 1.2 <br />Consistent with SB 166 (No Net Loss), the City will monitor housing sites to ensure adequate sites <br />to accommodate the remaining unmet RHNA by each income category are maintained at all <br />times. Reporting is anticipated to coincide with preparation of the Annual Progress Reports <br />(Program 4.1). The City will track each site in its inventory and report annually to the City Council <br />on the adequacy of available sites compared to the progress made towards meeting the RHNA. <br />• Responsible Agency: Planning Division <br />• Time Period: Annually track status of identified sites and report to City Council (by April 1 <br />of each year) <br />• Funding Source: Planning Division Budget <br /> <br />Program 1.3 <br />Adopt zoning standards consistent with the Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) Transit Oriented <br />Development (TOD) Place Type: Neighborhood/Town Center for AB 2923-eligible parcels within <br />a half-mile of the West Dublin/Pleasanton and Dublin/Pleasanton BART stations. This includes <br />requiring a minimum of 75 dwelling units per acre and five stories. To encourage the development <br />of housing at the Dublin/Pleasanton BART parking lot parcels, the City will take the following <br />steps: <br />1. Develop and adopt Objective Design Standards for the Dublin/Pleasanton BART <br />parking lot parcels that reflect the allowable minimum development standards set forth <br />in AB 2923. <br />2. Undertake preparation of a concept plan for the Dublin/Pleasanton BART parking lot <br />parcels, with input from BART and the community, that addresses the range of <br />allowable land uses, including housing at the assigned density. The City will lead the <br />planning effort and seek grant and other funding to support this effort. <br />3. Ensure that the plan adequately addresses parking for new uses and existing <br />commuter parking needs, with the goal to provide an appropriate amount of <br />replacement parking and implement strategies to reduce and manage overall parking <br />demand. Funding for replacement parking, including potential non-BART sources of <br />funding, will be addressed in coordination with the City and BART. <br />4. During and upon adoption of the plan, the City will work with BART to actively pursue <br />development interest in the parcels, including soliciting developer input on the plan <br />during plan preparation, and issuance of Request(s) for Proposals to pursue <br />development of the site during the 6th Cycle Housing Element planning period. <br />• Responsible Agency: Planning Division