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DRAFT Redlines <br />Housing Element Section 4B <br />Policy 1.6 <br />Promote the construction of Accessory Dwelling Units and/or Junior Accessory Dwelling Units, <br />both in conjunction with existing residential development, and as part of new construction. As part <br />of this policy, require new single-family residential subdivisions of 10 or more units to incorporate <br />ADUs or JADUs in the plans and designs for new residences in at least 50 percent of the proposed <br />lots; however, this would not be required of any new units affordable to households earning 120 <br />to 150 percent of the Area Median Income (AMI) based on initial sales or rental cost. <br /> <br />Policy 1.7 <br />Increase housing in the commercial portion of the downtown area by permitting up to three‑story <br />construction in the downtown area pursuant to the Downtown Specific Plan, with one or two <br />stories of residential over commercial in mixed‑use buildings, or residential behind commercial on <br />the same lot, pursuant to Land Use and Design policies (e.g., LD-P.16) of the Downtown Specific <br />Plan. <br /> <br />Programs <br />Program 1.1 <br />Maintain zoning/rezone appropriate sites to accommodate Pleasanton’s share of the regional <br />housing need for all income levels. Parcels to be rezoned are identified in Appendix B, Table B- <br />13. As reflected in Appendix B, each potential rezoned lower-income site will be zoned for a <br />minimum of at least 30 units per acre, have the capacity to accommodate at least 16 units, and <br />be available for development in the planning period where water, sewer, and dry utilities can be <br />provided. Sites rezoned for lower-income unit capacity will permit owner-occupied and rental <br />multi-family uses by right pursuant to Government Code §65583.2(h) and (i) for developments in <br />which 20 percent or more of the units are affordable to lower-income households. On rezoned <br />lower-income sites, the City will allow 100 percent residential use and shall require residential use <br />to occupy at least 50 percent of the floor area in a mixed-use project. Any necessary specific plan <br />amendments (e.g., Vineyard Avenue Specific Plan) will be adopted concurrently with the rezoning <br />adoption. <br />• Responsible Agency: Planning Division <br />• Time Period: Complete rezoning by January 31, 2026 <br />• Funding Source: Planning Division Budget <br />• Quantified Objective: Provide capacity to accommodate RHNA shortfall (capacity for at <br />least 1,612 lower-income units, 296 moderate-income units, and 1,265 above moderate- <br />income units) <br />