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Draft Housing Element December 14, 2022 <br />18 of 21 <br /> <br />residential. The owners of the site are interested in, and have developed <br />preliminary plans for a mixed use development on this site that could <br />accommodate relocated commercial tenants. The adjacent residential includes a <br />combination of apartments, townhomes, and single-family lots. The density <br />proposed on this site is 30-40 dwelling units per acre which is high density and is <br />likely to comprise of apartments or condominiums, possibly with some structured <br />parking. <br />• Area 27: PUSD Vineyard: PUSD has expressed strong interest in development of <br />this 10-acre vacant site with housing, although has requested more of the site be <br />designated for housing, to allow for more units to be developed, versus the <br />currently designated 20 units. While a portion of the lot needs to remain open <br />space per the Vineyard Avenue Specific Plan, it may be appropriate to reduce <br />the open space area down from the current approximately five acres, to closer to <br />approximately two to three acres, still providing a generous open space buffer <br />and potential neighborhood park site and meeting the intent of the Specific Plan. <br />If seven acres of the site were developed at approximately four du/ac, between <br />28 and 35 units could be constructed. However, it is a policy decision as to <br />whether to reduce the dedicated open space area and increase the assumed <br />capacity. <br />• Area 21 Kiewit: The owner has expressed interest in this site and it is very <br />feasible to redevelop. The biggest concerns with allowing housing on this site are <br />the VMTs (this site has relatively high VMTs) and LOS impact (generating traffic <br />at already impacted intersections). However, it is worth noting that this site will <br />likely be redeveloped in the near future regardless of inclusion in the Housing <br />Element. It is possible that the commercial and/or industrial uses that would be <br />built in-lieu of residential will have similar or greater LOS impacts and the site will <br />still be located in a high VMT area. Given the size of the site, it offers an <br />opportunity to incorporate both high and low/medium density units , including a <br />significant increment of affordable housing in a dedicated project, as well as park <br />and open space area. <br />• Area 23 Sunol Blvd: This site was ranked in the upper-middle tier of the initial <br />rankings. The site is comprised of five parcels. Owner interest has been received <br />for some of the parcels (the northern two parcels and southern parcel). HCD did <br />have some questions related to this site. As such, staff recommends removing <br />the parcels from the overall site for which no owner interest has been received. <br />This reduces the total assumed capacity from 719 units to 459 units. Additionally, <br />the units were split between very low/low income (245 units) and moderate <br />income (214 units). Staff suggests adjusting the assumptions so that the site now <br />includes moderate (214 units) and above-moderate income units (246 units). <br />This adjustment is recommended to ensure all RHNA income categories are met. <br />• Area 22 Merritt and Area 1 Lester: These sites both have strong owner interest <br />and high feasibility. Both sites have residential General Plan land use <br />designations and have been included on successive Council workplans, though <br />they are outside of City limits and will need to be annexed. Both sites are <br />somewhat unique in having active development applications (a PUD application <br />for Lester, and a Preliminary Review application for Merritt) already submitted to