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Draft Housing Element December 14, 2022 <br />17 of 21 <br /> <br />the top two tiers. Many of the sites are located near infrastructure accommodating a <br />variety of modes of transport (e.g., BART, ACE, bus stops, and/or bicycle facilities). The <br />sites located in Hacienda are particularly proximate to a variety of infrastructure. Many <br />are also proximate to services and amenities. <br /> <br />All have expressed some form of owner interest and represent very feasible housing <br />sites. Some sites (Areas 29, 7, 22, 1) have specific areas of the parcels that are either <br />vacant or have a dedicated area identified housing without the need to remove the <br />existing uses and other sites include vacant buildings. <br /> <br />There was concern throughout the Housing Element Update process about loss of <br />service commercial uses. Staff aimed to remove the majority of these sites, <br />acknowledging limited relocation opportunities in town. Lastly, this mix of sites are <br />relatively well distributed throughout the City and will not create Affirmatively Furthering <br />Fair Housing issues which can result if all of the housing is concentrated in one area. <br /> <br />Collectively, these sites have more compelling factors than the sites recommended for <br />removal. Below, staff highlights some of the sites recommended for inclusion and <br />provides greater detail about each Area: <br />• Area 25 PUSD District: This site was ranked in the top tier of the initial scoring <br />criteria, has relatively good VMTs, and does not negatively contribute to LOS <br />deterioration or congestion. There is strong expressed owner interest, and it is a <br />highly feasible housing site, with PUSD having recently acquired a new property <br />to house the district offices, making it no longer essential for this use . Its location <br />proximate to services and amenities, represents a good location for housing. <br />However, there have been several public comments and concerns related to its <br />inclusion in the Housing Element. Some of the concerns have centered around <br />the compatibility to neighboring residential neighborhoods. The adjacent <br />residential includes predominately single-family lots, and the density proposed on <br />this site ranges from 8-16 dwelling units per acre. Development would likely take <br />shape as small lot single-family, townhomes, or low-rise multi-family units (such <br />as garden apartments). There may also be an opportunity to work with PUSD to <br />develop at least some of the units here as teacher or PUSD employee housing, <br />which could help the District attract and retain top -tier teaching staff who may <br />otherwise be priced out of the Pleasanton housing market. <br />• Area 18 Valley Plaza: This site was ranked in the top tier of the initial scoring <br />criteria, has relatively good VMT, and does not negatively contribute to LOS <br />deterioration or congestion. There is a strong expressed owner interest in this <br />site, though HCD did have some questions related to redevelopment feasibility, <br />which can likely be overcome based on owner interest. There have been several <br />concerns related to its inclusion in the Housing Element. Many of the comments <br />focused around removal of neighborhood commercial uses and compatibility to <br />neighboring residential neighborhoods. This site currently contains several multi- <br />tenant commercial buildings, two drive-thru restaurants, and one restaurant in a <br />standalone building. While these uses could likely relocate to other areas of <br />town, this center offers a variety of uses and services walkable to the adjacent