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Supplemental topographic survey and base mapping will be prepared by Mark Thomas for use with the Final Design <br /> plans and details. <br /> Right of way information will be shown on the base mapping based on available GIS right of way information. <br /> Supplemental Topographic Survey—Mark Thomas will conduct supplemental topographic survey to locate <br /> pertinent accessible above ground features to augment the City-furnished base mapping using conventional ground <br /> survey techniques.The limits of detailed topo will extend along W. Las Positas Boulevard from the intersection of <br /> Foothills Road to Muirwood Drive, sidewalk approaches to the 1-680 overcrossing, and from the intersection of <br /> Hopyard Road to Fairlands Drive. <br /> Ground visible features to be captured include, but are not limited,to sidewalks,curb and gutter, driveways,curb <br /> ramps,fences, private utilities,storm and sewer facilities,trees,street lighting, signing,striping, and markings <br /> within the project limits.Storm and sewer manholes will be dipped to determine invert elevations and pipe <br /> diameters within the streets around the site. Drain inlet invert elevations and pipe sizes will be based on <br /> information furnished by the City. Field crews will rely upon markings on utility feature lids. No utilities will be <br /> dipped other than sewer and storm. <br /> Task 2.3. Boundary Surveys and Mapping(Optional Task) <br /> We have assumed the project improvements will be entirely within the existing public right of way for W. Las Positas <br /> Boulevard. Existing GIS right of way mapping and observed property boundaries,such as the existing back of sidewalk <br /> will likely provide adequate boundary information for the design of the project improvements. However, if additional <br /> project improvements are identified during the course of design that extend beyond the apparent limits of the public <br /> right of way,additional boundary surveys and right of way mapping can be completed as an optional task to refine the <br /> right of way delineated for the project. <br /> As an optional task, Mark Thomas will perform a field survey to locate necessary monumentation to establish the <br /> right of way lines of West Las Positas Boulevard from Foothill Road to Fairlands Drive.Our research indicates that <br /> the available Parcel Maps(PM), Records of Survey(RS) &Tract Maps(TM)will be sufficient to complete this survey. <br /> It is our understanding that no other monument ties to other maps will be necessary to complete the boundary <br /> surveys.Should a material discrepancy be found or evidence of a dispute with adjoiners be discovered, Mark <br /> Thomas will stop work under the current scope and discuss options with to move forward. Once the locations of <br /> the property lines are established based on the field evidence collected, Mark Thomas will plot this boundary in a <br /> CAD file. Mark Thomas assumes only easements shown on the available Recorded Maps will be shown. It is <br /> assumed that boundary evidence necessary to define the boundary will be readily available. <br /> During a boundary survey, it is possible that the requirement to file a Record of Survey will be triggered.This most <br /> often happens by the discovery of conflicts or alternate evidence not shown on recent maps.Should such a conflict <br /> or other evidence be discovered,work will stop and the project team will be notified.Work will continue when <br /> agreement has been reached on path forward and additional budget for a Record of Survey has been secured. <br /> Survey Assumptions and Exclusions <br /> • Monument Preservation is not included <br /> • A Record of Survey is not included. <br /> • Preparation of Plats and Legal Descriptions for property acquisition or easements are not included. <br /> Task 2.4. TCE Exhibits <br /> Not included in this phase. <br /> Task 2.5. Utility Coordination <br /> For this project,we assume utility relocations will be limited to existing sewer,storm drain, and water facilities <br /> where needed to accommodate new curbs for Class IV cycletracks, protected intersections and curb ramps.To the <br /> extent possible, relocation of dry utilities, including gas, communications,overhead electric and vaults/boxes,will <br /> be avoided to mitigate the potential schedule risk for completion of design and scheduling of relocations by others. <br /> Mark Thomas will coordinate with utility providers for relocation of wet utilities and adjustments to grade of dry <br /> utilities where necessary. Mark Thomas will utilize available, City-furnished, utility mapping. Mark Thomas will <br /> prepare a Composite Utility Relocation Plan using the 35% plan sheets as a base including a utility relocation <br /> schedule incorporating input from various utility owners. <br />