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BACKGROUND <br />The management and confidential employee group is currently comprised of 69 <br />classifications and 81 positions. Consistentwith the City's practice each year, staff is <br />bringing forward forCouncil consideration the proposed compensation forthe City's <br />management and confidential employees. <br />DISCUSSION <br />In accordance with the Meyers-Milias-Brown Act, parties are required to meet and <br />conferin good faith over items covered within the scope of representation, including <br />wages, hours and other terms and conditions of employment. As the managementand <br />confidential employees are not represented by a union, and therefore not covered under <br />a collective bargaining agreement, negotiations are notappropriate. Instead, staff is <br />making the following recommendation forwage adjustments. <br />Wage Adjustments: <br />Historically, two primary factors have been considered in wage adjustment discussions: <br />market data obtained from neighboring agencies thatare similarin size and the <br />consumerprice index (CPI). This year, the market analysis will be evaluated as part of a <br />comprehensive classification and compensation study proposed to begin in January <br />2023. For purposes of this report, staff's recommendation of a 3 percentincrease is <br />solely based on CPI analysis, which reflects the general cost -of -living increase in the <br />San Francisco -Oakland -San Jose area (approximately 6.8 percent in June 2022). <br />In addition to the proposed control point adjustmentof 3 percent, managers and <br />confidential employees are eligible fora performance-based increase. Fiscal provisions <br />are in place to accommodate compensation for performance-based increases for the <br />current performance evaluation cycle. <br />CONCLUSION <br />This report reviews the recommended changes to compensation forthe City's <br />management and confidential employees. As these employees are not represented by a <br />u nion, staff seeks Council approval and ratification of these wage adjustments. <br />qS m' d by: Fiscal Review: <br />t <br />Veronica Thomas Susan Hsieh <br />Directorof Human Resources/ Director of Finance <br />Labor Relations <br />Attachment: <br />1. Resolution <br />Page 2 of 2 <br />Approved by: <br />Gerry Beaudin <br />City Manager <br />