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11.2 Speaker Time Limit <br /> The amount of time allotted to each member of the public wishing to address the City <br /> Council shall generally be limited to a maximum of three (3) minutes. The Mayor may <br /> adjust the amount of time allotted to each speaker based upon the number of persons <br /> wishing to speak, the complexity of the item if one is being considered, the anticipated <br /> time reasonably needed to complete the remaining items on the meeting agenda, and <br /> other reasonable factors. [54954.3(b)]. Individual members of the public may not yield <br /> their allotted time, or any remaining portion thereof, to anyone else. <br /> Prior to calling for public comment during the meeting open to the public, as well as before <br /> the City Council considers or takes action on an item, the Mayor shall set and announce <br /> the time limit for each member of the public to speak before inviting members of the public <br /> to address the City Council. <br /> 11.3 Members of the Public Addressing the City Council <br /> 11.3.1 Speaker cards shall be used to call each speaker to come forward to <br /> address the City Council. When calling a speaker to come forward, the <br /> next two speakers can also be identified so that they are prepared to <br /> address the City Council when called. <br /> 11.3.2 The Mayor may request, but cannot require, that each speaker state his <br /> or her name and address before providing comments to the City Council. <br /> A speaker is not required to provide his or her name or address in order <br /> to address the City Council. However, to the extent such information is <br /> relevant to the issues being considered by the City Council during a public <br /> hearing, the absence of such information may bear on the speaker's <br /> credibility and the weight the City Council affords the speaker's <br /> comments. <br /> 11.3.3 Speakers shall address their comments only to the City Council as a body <br /> and not to a particular member. <br /> 11.3.4 Members of the public may only address the City Council when called to <br /> speak from the lectern, microphone or other device. No member of the <br /> public, other than the speaker so called, may address the City Council, <br /> unless called upon by the Mayor. <br /> 11.3.5 If a speaker asks a question of a Councilmember or the Mayor, <br /> Councilmembers and the Mayor are not obligated to answer any <br /> questions asked. If a speaker asks a question of City staff, the Mayor may <br /> ask staff for a brief answer while the speaker is at the lectern. <br /> 11.3.6 Members of the City Council and the Mayor are limited to asking clarifying <br /> or technical questions of speakers, but shall not at this portion of the <br /> 18 <br />