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10.4 Adjournment <br /> This portion of the agenda is the same as it is for a regular meeting. <br /> 11. Public Participation <br /> A City Council meeting is a limited public forum. Members of the public have the right to <br /> address the City Council and to attend its meetings, except for closed sessions and other <br /> meetings that permit the public to be excluded as a matter of law. During the meeting <br /> open to the public portion of a regular meeting agenda, members of the public have a <br /> right to address the City Council on any item of interest to the public that is within the City <br /> Council's subject matter jurisdiction but not listed on the agenda. Members of the public <br /> also have the right to address the City Council before the City Council considers or takes <br /> action on an item on any regular meeting agenda, except for items properly listed or <br /> considered in the Call to Order and Pledge to Flag, Matters Initiated by Council, Council <br /> Reports, and the Adjournment portions of the agenda. Members of the public shall be <br /> provided an opportunity to address the City Council concerning any item that is described <br /> in the notice for special meeting workshops and special meetings. [54954.3]. <br /> The procedures for addressing public comments to the City Council are as follows: <br /> 11.1 Addressing the City Council <br /> Members of the public who want to address the City Council during the meeting open to <br /> the public or before the City Council considers or takes action on an item should indicate <br /> their desire by submitting either a speaker card7 requesting to speak to the City Clerk, or <br /> designee, or by using other methods specified by the City Clerk in the agenda for that <br /> meeting (use of speaker cards or such other methods are referred to as "speaker cards"). <br /> The methods for addressing the City Council will be described at each meeting. The City <br /> Clerk will prominently display the methods to address the City Council in the City Council <br /> Chambers or other location where the City Council gathers in person for a meeting. <br /> Before an item is considered by the City Council, the City Clerk shall identify or provide <br /> the submitted speaker cards to the presiding officer in the order that they are received for <br /> each agenda item. <br /> The purpose of submitting a speaker card to request to speak is to help the presiding <br /> officer conduct the City Council's meetings and to complete its business in an orderly <br /> fashion. The intent is not to limit testimony. Therefore, a member of the public will not be <br /> denied an opportunity to speak if a speaker card lacks information or because a speaker <br /> wants to remain anonymous. <br /> A speaker card asks a person to provide the speaker's name, address, phone number and agenda item. <br /> A speaker is not required to provide name, address or phone number. This information is used to ensure <br /> the accuracy of minutes, and will not be retained after the minutes have been approved by the City <br /> Council. <br />