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than the City Council, open and noticed meetings of another legislative body other than <br /> a City advisory body, and social and ceremonial gatherings without complying with the <br /> notice and agenda requirements in these rules of procedure, provided that the <br /> Councilmembers do not discuss among themselves business of a specific nature that is <br /> within the City's subject matter jurisdiction. [54952.2(c)(3)-(5)]. <br /> Meetings of an ad hoc City Council subcommittee are not subject to these rules of <br /> procedure unless the Mayor or City Council expressly state that the committee shall follow <br /> these rules. [54952 and section 7.4.9.]. <br /> Briefings of less than a quorum of the City Council are not subject to these rules of <br /> procedure provided the briefings comply with the Brown Act. [54952.2]. <br /> 8. Development of Agenda <br /> The City Manager, with input from the Mayor, is responsible for preparing the City <br /> Council's meeting agenda. Items may also be placed on an agenda for City Council <br /> consideration in the following ways: by direction of the Mayor; by direction of the City <br /> Attorney in consultation with the City Manager; by direction of a majority of <br /> Councilmembers during the matters initiated portion of the agenda to place an item on a <br /> future agenda; and under any processes set forth by statute or ordinance that requires <br /> City Council action, including City Council consideration of land use matters, appeals, <br /> and other matters as set forth in the Pleasanton Municipal Code. <br /> The agenda shall contain a brief general description of each item of business to be <br /> transacted or discussed, including any items to be discussed in closed session. [54954.2, <br /> 54954.5]. <br /> 9. Order of Business — Regular Meetings <br /> The usual order of business for regular meetings shall be as follows: <br /> 1. Call to Order and Pledge to Flag 6. Meeting Open to the Public <br /> 2. Remarks and Roll Call 7. Public Hearings and Other Matters <br /> 3. Report on Closed Session (if any) 8. Matters Initiated by the City Council <br /> 4. Agenda Amendments 9. Council Reports <br /> 5. Consent Calendar 10. Adjournment <br /> 9.1 Call to Order, Pledge to Flag, Remarks, Roll Call, Report on Closed Session <br /> These parts of the agenda are for the pledge of allegiance, roll call and the reporting out <br /> from any closed session items that may have occurred prior to the meeting. <br /> The City Council shall assign, on a rotating basis, a member (except the Mayor), to lead <br /> the Pledge of Allegiance. Following the Pledge, the assigned Councilmember may then <br /> make remarks (e.g., commendations, announcements, dedications), appropriate for <br /> opening the public meeting. <br />