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d. The minutes shall be approved without reading if the City Clerk has furnished <br /> each Councilmember with a copy. <br /> 7.10.3 Preferred Method of Recordation and Minutes <br /> City Council meetings which are open to the general public are recorded by <br /> electronic means. Audio and video tapes of such City Council meetings are not the <br /> official record of those meetings. The approved minutes constitute the only official <br /> record.4 <br /> 7.11 Staff Attendance <br /> 7.11.1 City Manager <br /> The City Manager, or designee, shall attend all City Council meetings,. [PMC <br /> 2.08.130]. The City Manager may make recommendations and shall have the right <br /> to take part in all discussions of the City Council, but shall have no vote. <br /> 7.11.2 City Attorney <br /> The City Attorney, or designee, shall attend all City Council meetings. Upon the <br /> City Council's request, the City Attorney shall provide opinions and <br /> recommendations, either written or oral, on questions of law and procedure. <br /> 7.11.3 City Clerk <br /> The City Clerk, or designee, shall attend all City Council meetings open to the <br /> general public. The City Clerk shall record, prepare, and maintain the official record <br /> of such City Council's proceedings and perform other related duties as may be <br /> prescribed by the City Council and the City Manager. [36814, 40801]. <br /> 7.11.4 Department Heads/Employees <br /> Department Heads and employees shall attend City Council meetings as directed <br /> by the City Manager. <br /> 7.11.5 Sergeant-at-Arms <br /> The Chief of Police, or designee, serves as Sergeant-at-Arms will attend City <br /> Council meetings as directed by the City Council or the City Manager. [38638]. <br /> 7.12 Meetings That Are Not Subject to the Brown Act <br /> As provided by the Brown Act, a quorum of the City Council may attend conferences and <br /> similar gatherings, open community meetings organized by a person or organization other <br /> 4 A majority of the City Council who were at the meeting can amend and re-adopt meeting minutes. <br />