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Manager may call and notice closed session meetings as special meetings. <br /> [54954.5, 54956.5, 54956.7-54957.1, 54962]. <br /> After meeting in closed session, the City Council shall reconvene in open session <br /> and the City Attorney shall make a public report, either orally or in writing, of any <br /> reportable action taken in the closed session and the related vote tabulation. <br /> [54957.1, 54957.7]. <br /> 7.4.5 Concurrent Meetings <br /> Since the Councilmembers are also the members of geological hazard abatement <br /> districts, landscape lighting and maintenance districts, the housing authority, and <br /> other legislative bodies, the City Council may concurrently convene the meetings <br /> of the City and such legislative bodies that include all Councilmembers, or where <br /> Councilmembers constitute a quorum of such legislative bodies. [54952.3]. <br /> Joint meetings of the City Council and any other legislative body or bodies shall be <br /> noticed as a meeting for each body. <br /> 7.4.6 Teleconferenced Meetings <br /> The City Council may meet from different publicly noticed locations connected by <br /> electronic means consistent with the provisions of the Brown Act effective at the <br /> time of the scheduled meeting, or California laws as amended and in current effect. <br /> [54953]. <br /> 7.4.7 Adjourned Meetings, and Adjourned Regular Meetings <br /> Any meeting of the City Council may be adjourned to a later date, time, and <br /> location, and the notice of adjournment shall be posted within 24 hours on or near <br /> the door of the place where the adjourned meeting was held. However, if the <br /> adjourned meeting is to reconvene less than 24 hours after adjournment, then a <br /> copy of the order or notice of the continuance shall be posted immediately following <br /> the meeting. [36809, 54955]. <br /> The Mayor, City Manager, or majority of Councilmembers may call for an <br /> adjourned regular meeting in consultation with the City Attorney to conduct a <br /> regular meeting on a date other than on a regular meeting date on the City <br /> Council's annual calendar. [54955] <br /> 7.4.8 Emergency Meetings <br /> If the Mayor, City Manager, or at least three Councilmembers determine that a <br /> catastrophic event has caused an emergency situation to exist as defined by law, <br /> then the City Council may immediately hold an emergency meeting. [54956 and <br /> 54956.5]. <br />