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as provided for in section 7.4.6. Absent Councilmembers are discouraged from <br /> communicating their opinions on agenda items to staff or other Councilmembers <br /> to present at the Council Meeting on behalf of the absent Councilmember. <br /> [54953(b)]. <br /> 7.4 Types of Meetings <br /> 7.4.1 Regular Meetings <br /> The City Council shall meet in the City Council Chambers at City Hall, 200 Old <br /> Bernal Avenue, for all regular City Council meetings. The regular meetings shall <br /> begin at 7:00 p.m. on the first and third Tuesday of each month, unless otherwise <br /> specified by posted notice. [36805, 54954]. <br /> 7.4.2 Special Meetings <br /> Special meetings may be called by the Mayor, the City Manager, the City Attorney, <br /> or by a majority of Councilmembers. The call and notice for a special meeting must <br /> specify the items to be considered and the date, time, and location for the meeting. <br /> [36807, 54956(a)]. <br /> The City Council may take final action at a special meeting that is not a workshop. <br /> 7.4.3 Special Meeting Workshops <br /> The City Council may meet informally in special meetings designated as <br /> workshops that are called by the Mayor, the City Manager, or by a majority of <br /> Councilmembers. Workshops are special meetings intended for: training purposes <br /> such as ethics training, sexual harassment prevention and education, and specific <br /> technical subjects such as land use; team building; and to receive briefings and <br /> background information and hold general discussions on major issues before City <br /> Council action is required. Special meeting workshops are also intended for the <br /> City Council to work with staff to develop administrative items such as the budget, <br /> for the City Council to receive public input on matters of community wide concern, <br /> and for similar activities. <br /> Workshops are open to the public and are meetings for purposes of the Brown Act. <br /> The City Council may provide direction, but unlike other special meetings the City <br /> Council may not take a final action at a workshop. [54956]. <br /> 7.4.4 Closed Session Meetings <br /> Closed sessions may only be held as authorized by state law and shall be held in <br /> accordance with the provisions of the Brown Act. The closed sessions may <br /> precede or follow a regular meeting or be called as a special meeting. In addition <br /> to the provisions in Section 7.4.2 Special Meetings, the City Attorney or City <br />