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7.4.9 City Council Committees <br /> The City Council may form ad hoc City Council subcommittees that do not have <br /> final decision-making authority. The City Council may form standing City Council <br /> subcommittees. <br /> City Council standing subcommittees comprised of less than a quorum of the City <br /> Council and that have continuing subject matter jurisdiction or a fixed meeting <br /> schedule established by the City Council, shall comply with the Brown Act and <br /> follow these rules of procedure. [54952(b)]. <br /> City Council Brown Act subcommittees comprised of less than a quorum of the <br /> City Council and that have other persons as members, shall comply with the Brown <br /> Act and follow these rules of procedure. [54952(b)]. <br /> Ad hoc City Council subcommittees comprised solely of less than a quorum of the <br /> City Council and that are limited to both a defined task and a duration are not <br /> subject to the Brown Act and are not required to follow these rules of procedure. <br /> [54952(b)]. <br /> 7.5 Notice and Agenda Posting <br /> The City Clerk shall post the notices and agendas for each City Council meeting in the <br /> bulletin board in front of City Hall, on the City's website, and at the location where the <br /> meeting will be held. Any requirement to post notices and agendas at a remote <br /> teleconferenced meeting location outside the City's jurisdiction shall be the responsibility <br /> of the Councilmember attending the meeting from that location. [54954.2, 54953]. <br /> 7.5.1 Regular Meetings <br /> It is the City Council's expectation that the agendas for regular meetings should be <br /> posted, and agenda packets delivered to the City Council at least 6 days before <br /> the meeting dates, but in no event shall the agenda for a regular meeting be posted <br /> less than 72 hours before the meeting date. [54954.2]. <br /> 7.5.2 Special Meetings and Workshops <br /> Notice of the call for a special meeting must be delivered and received by each <br /> Councilmember and the media (which have requested notice) at least 24 hours <br /> before the special meeting, and must be posted at least 24 hours before the special <br /> meeting date. To the extent possible, it is the City Council's goal that the notice <br /> and agendas for special meeting workshops should be posted at least 6 days <br /> before the meeting dates, and in no event shall the notice and agenda for a <br /> workshop be posted less than 24 hours before the meeting date. [54956]. <br />