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City of Pleasanton Article 6. Other Related Services and Standards <br /> Franchise Agreement with Pleasanton Garbage Service <br /> <br />City of Pleasanton Page 87 June 7, 2022 <br />N. Education Plan for Coming Rate Period. The quarterly report that reports on third quarter results 3096 <br />shall include a plan for public education activities for the coming Rate Period in accordance with 3097 <br />Section 5.17.2. 3098 <br />6.3.4 Annual Report Content 3099 <br />The annual report shall be in the form of the quarterly reports and shall provide the same type of 3100 <br />information as required pursuant to Section 6.3.3 of this Agreement, summarized for the preceding four 3101 <br />quarters. In addition, Contractor's, and Related Party Entities', annual financial reports with 3102 <br />corresponding federal tax returns and detailed invoices from Related Party Entities shall be included. The 3103 <br />annual report shall also include a complete inventory of equipment used to provide all services, and a list 3104 <br />of Contractor’s officers and members of its board of directors. 3105 <br />A. Financial Information. Within one hundred and fifty (150) calendar days after the close of 3106 <br />Contractor’s fiscal year, Contractor shall deliver to the City four (4) copies of the audited 3107 <br />consolidated financial statements and profit and loss statements of Contractor for the preceding 3108 <br />fiscal year. Financial statements shall include a supplemental combined schedule showing 3109 <br />Contractor's results of operations, including the specific revenues and expenses in connection with 3110 <br />the operations provided for in this Agreement from others included in such financial statements 3111 <br />(e.g., operations related to the unincorporated area adjacent to the City and schools in the City). 3112 <br />The financial statements and footnotes shall be prepared in accordance with Generally Accepted 3113 <br />Accounting Principles (GAAP) or, with the City’s written approval, the Financial Reporting 3114 <br />Framework for Small and Medium Sized Entities established by the AICPA consistently applied and 3115 <br />fairly reflecting the results of operation and Contractor’s financial condition. Annual financial 3116 <br />statements shall be audited, in accordance with Generally Accepted Auditing Standards (GAAS) by 3117 <br />a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) licensed (in good standing) to practice public accounting in the 3118 <br />State of California as determined by the State of California Department of Consumer Affairs Board 3119 <br />of Accountancy, and that the CPA opinion on Contractor's annual financial statements shall be 3120 <br />unqualified, and shall contain the CPA’s conclusions regarding the Contractor’s accounting policies 3121 <br />and procedures, internal controls, and operating policies. The CPA shall perform an evaluation and, 3122 <br />if necessary, shall cite recommendations for improvement. 3123 <br />B. Related Party Entities. As part of the annual reporting requirement, Contractor shall provide the 3124 <br />City with a copy of the annual financial statements of each Related Party Entity along with a copy of 3125 <br />the federal tax return for the same period and every invoice from each Related Party Entity issued 3126 <br />to Contractor for the prior fiscal year. 3127 <br />Contractor agrees that all financial transactions with all Related Party Entities shall be approved by 3128 <br />the City in advance in writing and disclosed annually (coinciding with Contractor's annual audited 3129 <br />financial statements referred to in Section 6.3.4.A) to the City in a separate disclosure letter to the 3130 <br />City. The standard for the City’s approval shall be market rates for comparable services provided in 3131 <br />good faith by unrelated third parties as mutually determined by the Parties. In the event that the 3132 <br />Parties are unable to reach agreement, the standard for the City’s approval shall be based upon 3133 <br />review of Contractor and Related Party Entity financial statements. This letter shall include, but not 3134 <br />be limited to, the following information: 3135 <br />1. A general description of the nature of each Related Party Entity transaction, or type of 3136 <br />transaction (if many similar transactions exist) shall be provided, as applicable. Such description 3137