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City of Pleasanton Article 6. Other Related Services and Standards <br /> Franchise Agreement with Pleasanton Garbage Service <br /> <br />City of Pleasanton Page 82 June 7, 2022 <br />3. Total Tonnage delivered to each Approved Facility. 2909 <br />B. Recyclable Materials Service. Contractor shall provide: 2910 <br />1. Number of Recyclable Materials Customers and Containers by sector and Service Level; 2911 <br />2. Tonnage Collected by sector; and, 2912 <br />3. Tonnage marketed and Residue Disposed (which should total the Tonnage Collected). If more 2913 <br />than one Processing Site is used, present information separately for each site. 2914 <br />C. Organic Materials Service. Contractor shall provide: 2915 <br />1. Number of Organic Materials Customers and Containers by sector and Service Level; 2916 <br />2. Number of Containers at each Service Level by sector; 2917 <br />3. Tonnage Collected by sector.; and, 2918 <br />4. Tonnage marketed and Residue Disposed (which should total the Tonnage Collected). If more 2919 <br />than one Processing Site is used, present information separately for each site. 2920 <br />D. Construction and Demolition Debris Service. Contractor shall provide: 2921 <br />1. Number of C&D Customers and Containers by sector and Service Level; 2922 <br />2. Tonnage Collected by sector; and, 2923 <br />3. Tonnage marketed and Residue Disposed (which should total the Tonnage Collected). If more 2924 <br />than one Processing Site is used, present information separately for each site. 2925 <br />E. Customer Service. Contractor shall provide: 2926 <br />1. Number of Customer calls listed separately by Complaints and inquiries (where inquiries 2927 <br />include requests for Recycling information, Rate information, etc.). For Complaints, list the 2928 <br />number of calls separately by category (e.g., missed pickups, scheduled cleanups, Billings 2929 <br />concerns, damage claims, SB 1383 non-compliance, etc.); 2930 <br />2. Number of Carts, Bins, and Drop Boxes tagged for non-Collection and the reason for tagging 2931 <br />(e.g., inclusion of Prohibited Container Contaminants, improper setout, Hazardous Waste, 2932 <br />etc.); 2933 <br />3. List of Customers for which Contractor has performed a courtesy Collection, including the 2934 <br />Customer address, and material type for which the courtesy Collection was performed; 2935 <br />4. Number of hits to the Contractor’s website; 2936 <br />5. Number of Customers subscribing to each City approved service exemption by Customer type, 2937 <br />including: the total number of new de minimis waivers and physical space constraint waivers 2938 <br />in the month, if any; the Customer name and the address for each waiver; and, a record of 2939 <br />the Service Level update made by the Contractor in response to the waiver and the date that 2940 <br />change was made; and, 2941 <br />6. A report detailing SB 1383 non-compliance Complaints submitted to the Contractor, which 2942 <br />shall include at a minimum: the Complaint as received; name and contract information of the 2943 <br />complainant, if the incident is not submitted anonymously; identity of the alleged violator, if 2944 <br />known; description of the alleged violation, including location(s) and all other relevant factors 2945