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City of Pleasanton Article 6. Other Related Services and Standards <br /> Franchise Agreement with Pleasanton Garbage Service <br /> <br />City of Pleasanton Page 80 June 7, 2022 <br />6.2.5 Transfer and Disposal Records 2844 <br />Contractor shall maintain records of Transfer, Disposal, and Processing of all Solid Waste, Recyclable 2845 <br />Materials, and Organic Materials Collected by Contractor for the period of this Agreement plus five (5) 2846 <br />years after its expiration or earlier termination. Records shall be in chronological and organized form and 2847 <br />readily and easily interpreted. In the event City requests, Contractor shall provide all records of Transfer 2848 <br />and Disposal or Processing of all Solid Waste, Recyclable Materials, and Organic Materials Collected by 2849 <br />Contractor in the City within thirty (30) calendar days of discontinuing service. 2850 <br />6.2.6 Other Program Records 2851 <br />Records for other programs shall be tailored to specific needs. In general, they shall include: 2852 <br />A. Plans, tasks, and milestones; 2853 <br />B. Documentation of compliance with Applicable Laws and regulations related to each program, 2854 <br />including, but not limited to, SB 1383; and, 2855 <br />C. Accomplishments in terms activities conducted; date of activity; Tonnages of materials Collected; 2856 <br />quantities of products used, produced, or distributed; and numbers of participants and responses. 2857 <br />6.2.7 CERCLA Defense Records 2858 <br />City views the ability to defend against Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and 2859 <br />Liability Act (CERCLA) and related litigation as a matter of great importance. For this reason, the City 2860 <br />regards the ability to prove where Solid Waste Collected in the City was taken for Transfer or Disposal, as 2861 <br />well as where it was not taken, to be matters of concern. Contractor shall maintain, retain, and preserve 2862 <br />records which can establish where Solid Waste Collected in the City was Disposed (and therefore establish 2863 <br />where it was not). This provision shall survive the expiration or earlier termination of this Agreement. 2864 <br />Contractor shall maintain these records for a minimum of ten (10) years beyond expiration or earlier 2865 <br />termination of the Agreement. Contractor shall provide these records to City in an organized and indexed 2866 <br />manner rather than destroying or Disposing of them. 2867 <br />6.2.8 Customer Service Records 2868 <br />Customer service records shall be maintained by Contractor for City related to: 2869 <br />A. Number and nature of calls; 2870 <br />B. Categories (missed pickups, Complaints, SB 1383 non-compliance, damage, inquiries, etc.) of calls; 2871 <br />C. Training records; 2872 <br />D. Individual call and resolution log (including initial call date and resolution date); and, 2873 <br />E New Customer account log. 2874