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City of Pleasanton Article 5. Collection Services <br /> Franchise Agreement with Pleasanton Garbage Service <br /> <br />City of Pleasanton Page 65 June 7, 2022 <br />In the event Contractor fails to perform some or all of the requirements of the public education plan 2302 <br />described in this Section and in Exhibit B, the Contractor shall pay the City Liquidated Damages as 2303 <br />described in Section 11.6. 2304 <br />5.17.2 Annual Public Education Plan 2305 <br />As part of the Contractor’s third quarterly report (required by Section 6.3.3 of this Agreement) for each 2306 <br />Rate Period, Contractor shall submit an annual update to Contractor’s public education plan outlining its 2307 <br />specific planned public education efforts for the coming Rate Period. The plan shall list each public 2308 <br />education piece (e.g., newsletters, bill inserts, flyers, newspaper advertisements, etc.) to be prepared, the 2309 <br />purpose of the piece, the key subject(s) to be covered, and the anticipated date of issuance. In addition, 2310 <br />the plan shall list all events the Contractor plans to attend and the public education it intends to provide 2311 <br />at such event (e.g., exhibit at Earth Day event, presentation at Chamber of Commerce meetings, etc.). 2312 <br />The City shall review and approve the plan. 2313 <br />5.17.3 Public Education Content and Production Requirements 2314 <br />Prior to preparing public education materials, Contractor shall discuss with the City its general approach 2315 <br />to preparing the materials and shall determine if the City has any City-specific guidelines to be followed 2316 <br />and if the City wants the Contractor to work with templates prepared by StopWaste.Org (also known as 2317 <br />the Alameda County Waste Management Authority and Alameda County Source Reduction and Recycling 2318 <br />Board) or others. 2319 <br />The public education materials shall emphasize use of visual/graphic images as much as is practical. 2320 <br />Furthermore, the materials shall include a clear listing of program “Dos” and “Don’ts” using visual images 2321 <br />as much as is practical. For example, the “Dos” shall list the types of materials the Customer may place in 2322 <br />its Recyclable Materials or Organic Materials Containers and the “Don’ts” should list Prohibited Container 2323 <br />Contaminants and Hazardous Waste. 2324 <br />All public education materials shall be printed on paper containing the highest levels of recycled content 2325 <br />material reasonably practical with a minimum requirement of thirty percent (30%) post-consumer content 2326 <br />based on federal standards. 2327 <br />To address the multi-lingual diversity of the City, public education materials shall use visual images and 2328 <br />English descriptions supplemented with text on the bottom of the public education document in different 2329 <br />languages directing the non-English speaking Customers to telephone a Contractor-provided hotline for 2330 <br />help in their native language. In accordance with 14 CCR Section 18985.1, Contractor shall provide public 2331 <br />education materials in any non-English language spoken by a substantial number of the public, as 2332 <br />determined by the City and consistent with Section 7295 of the Government Code, and distribute the 2333 <br />materials to Single-Family, Multi-Family, and Commercial Customers as specified by the City. Contractor 2334 <br />shall arrange for review of the multi-lingual materials by a third party to verify the accuracy and 2335 <br />appropriateness of the translations. 2336 <br />Prior to distribution of any public education materials, Contractor shall provide the City with a copy of the 2337 <br />public education materials for the City’s review and approval. 2338